All Patient safety articles – Page 257

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Stephen Ramsden on punitive processes


    How best can we drive up quality and safety in the NHS? The Darzi review will be important in determining the right balance between regulation and organisationally driven approaches. This is not an either/or scenario. We need both, but too much regulation will be counter-productive and demoralising to staff.

  • News

    Government accused of manipulating MRSA figures


    The government is within touching distance of hitting its MRSA target, but opposition parties have accused ministers of manipulating the data.Latest figures show there were 1,072 cases of the superbug inEnglandfrom July to September last year.

  • News

    Commission calls for power to suspend non-executives


    Chairs and non-executive directors of hospital and primary care trusts that have lost the confidence of their local communities could face suspension in future.

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    Call to bar worst managers


    The leader of the UK's hospital doctors is calling for greater regulation of managers - with powers to stop them working in healthcare in extreme cases.

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    MRSA cases declining


    A continued decrease in the number of MRSA infections in hospitals has been hailed as a major achievement by the Health Protection Agency.

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    Welsh Assembly backs patient compensation scheme


    A Welsh Assembly committee has welcomed plans for a scheme to ensure NHS patients get compensation in cases of medical negligence.

  • News

    Anger over C difficile pay-off


    The former chief executive of a trust at the centre of an infection control scandal is to get a £75,000 pay-off.Rose Gibb, who led Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells trust, will only get her 'legal entitlement' of six months' salary, the trust said yesterday.

  • Comment

    Media Watch: compensation claims


    While Leslie Ash celebrated, columnists seethed, indignant at the £5m in compensation the actor received after contracting an infection in hospital.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Teaming up for patient safety


    Torbay Hospital, part of South Devon Healthcare trust, is on course to cut its MRSA rates in half for 2007.Torbay is part of the Health Foundation's safer patients initiative and is twinned with Musgrove Park Hospital, based in Taunton and Somerset trust.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Gillian Hastings on a patient safety revolution


    Working in quality improvement, we hear constant sound bites about the need to change the organisational culture in healthcare and develop a culture of patient safety. But what does this change involve and how can we help bring it about?

  • HSJ Knowledge

    All-parliamentary group discusses patient safety


    Health minister Ann Keen used her background in nursing to give a personal account of her approach to improving hospital safety at December's meeting of the all-parliamentary group on patient safety.

  • News

    GPs failing to pick up patients at most risk of heart disease


    GPs in some of the poorest areas of the country are failing to identify patients with coronary heart disease and treat them effectively, HSJ’s analysis suggests.

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    Royal Marsden's cool heads and smart systems


    In the wake of the west London fire, Ingrid Torjesen looks at how the hospital coped and whether emergency planning has moved on since 7/7

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    Questions over infection control funds


    The NHS Confederation has questioned Department of Health claims that its infection control strategy is being supported by £270m of new money.

  • News

    Exclusive: leaked letter shows tensions over C diff outbreak


    A letter leaked to HSJ has revealed the strained relationship between the government and the Healthcare Commission following the Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells infection outbreak.

  • News

    Care Quality Commission could threaten accountability, Monitor warns


    A new super-regulator will not provide any extra safeguards for patients and could lead to duplication, Monitor has warned.

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    Health staff need clear sexual boundaries, says watchdog


    Professional regulators have been told to offer clear guidance and support for health staff to prevent them fromstraying into unacceptable sexual behaviour.

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    Dixon warns of 'two-tiers' risk in latest operating framework


    The NHS Alliance has warned the operating framework issued in December could lead to a 'two tier' NHS as it exempts foundation trusts from tighter quality standards expected of other hospital trusts.

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    Battle of the sexes: the mixed ward row that won't lie down


    Early Labour promises to abolish mixed-sex wards have turned into vague aspirations, while the definition of single-sex accommodation appears to have changed. Is the government cheating or is it right to leave the decision to trusts, asks Charlotte Santry

  • News

    Health and Social Care Bill under fire over safety


    Regulators have issued a grave warning to the government that proposed reforms will 'fatally weaken' their independence and pose a significant risk to patient safety.