All Patient safety articles – Page 258

  • News

    Trusts urged to recruit anti-infection staff


    Hospitals have been pressed to employ up to five extra specialist staff as part of a government strategy to improve infection control.The government has set aside up to £45m to be invested in the scheme, out of a £270m fund identified in the comprehensive spending review for reducing healthcare-acquired infections.

  • News

    government's infection control strategy


    Hospitals have been told to recruit up to five extra specialist staff as part of a government strategy to improve infection control. The government wants up to£45million to be invested on the scheme, out of a£270million fund identified in the comprehensive spending review for reducing healthcare-acquired infections. But trusts are ...

  • News

    Brown calls for 'deeper and wider' NHS reform


    Gordon Brown has promised greater personal and preventive healthcare as part of his vision for the NHS.In his first major speech on health since becoming prime minister, Mr Brown told an audience of health professionals in London that if the NHS is to meet the needs of the 21st century, ...

  • News

    MRSA can be treated at home, study claims


    MRSA patients could be treated at home, according to a study carried out for the campaign group National Concern for Healthcare Infections.The study, conducted by pharmaceutical company Pfizer, said home treatment could be suitable for people who are colonised but not actively infected with MRSA.

  • News

    Nursing and Midwifery Council public protection pledge


    The Nursing and Midwifery Council and the Healthcare Commission have signed a memorandum of understanding in an attempt to strengthen public protection.The agreement sets out the levels of co-operation and terms in which the council and the Healthcare Commission will work together when carrying out their regulatory duties in England ...

  • News

    Scots target to improve hand hygiene


    Scottish health and well-being secretary Nicola Sturgeon has pledged that a target on hand hygiene will increase compliance with standards.The results of audits published last week by Health Protection Scotland revealed health boards are reaching 79 per cent compliance with hand hygiene standards.

  • News

    Conservatives bid to become 'party of the NHS'


    David Cameron has pledged to oust Labour from its traditional position as 'the party of the NHS'.

  • News

    Brown promises to support NHS staff


    The prime minister has promised the government's priority for 2008 will be to support NHS staff in tackling infection and improving access to services.

  • News

    New health check will rate PCT commissioning skills


    Primary care trusts will be assessed on the quality of commissioning as part of next year's health check.

  • News

    Guidelines plea over ambulance volunteers


    The Healthcare Commission has called for national guidelines to ensure the safe management of volunteers who support ambulance services.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    HSJ review of the year: jobless doctors, lethal bugs and a £1.8bn pile of unspent cash


    A year with more than its fair share of drama saw medics on the streets, C difficile in the wards, Blair and Hewitt on the way out - and an embarrassing surplus in the bank. By Richard Vize

  • News

    Report highlights x-ray dangers


    X-ray machines may impact on public health, according to the 12th annual report by the Health Protection Agency's Centre for Radiation, Chemical and Environmental Hazards.

  • News

    Alarms raised over neonatal capacity


    NHS neonatal services are 'challenged', according to a National Audit Office report.Caring for Vulnerable Babies: the reorganisation of neonatal services in England, published today, has highlighted severe shortages in the number of neonatal nurses available to staff units across the country.

  • News

    Emergency reconfiguration plans approved


    The Independent Reconfiguration Panel has endorsed two separate plans to concentrate emergency services.

  • News

    MRSA rates under scrutiny


    A report examining the factors behind the variation in MRSA rates between different hospitals has been published by the Department of Health.The report analyses the contribution of organisational factors such as bed occupancy, cleanliness and the use of temporary staffing.

  • Comment

    Sir Liam's patient safety spotlight shines on PCTs


    Chief medical officer Sir Liam Donaldson is pushing primary care trusts to put his crusade on patient safety at the centre of their work (for more details, click here).

  • HSJ Knowledge

    HSJ supplement: reducing infection


    As NHS managers, we must reduce the harm caused by avoidable infections.

  • News

    Health inequalities focus for new national strategy


    Reducing health inequalities, cutting healthcare-acquired infections and planning for emergencies will be among the priorities for the health service in 2008.

  • News

    PCT safety breaches still going unreported


    Primary care trusts are continuing to under-report breaches of patient safety, the chief medical officer Sir Liam Donaldson has warned.

  • News

    NHS Direct aims to be national foundation


    NHS Direct has launched a bid to become a foundation trust, potentially opening the doors to a new breed of national foundations.