All Patient safety articles – Page 259

  • News

    Safety incidents go unreported, survey shows


    There is 'widespread' under-reporting of safety incidents in NHS Scotland, a survey by Quality Improvement Scotland has found.Staff taking part in the survey also said there was a lack of feedback and action after an incident was reported and that a blame culture further fuelled secrecy.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Leadership can help reduce infection rates


    Health Foundation assistant director for leadership Jan Walmsley has backed comments by junior health minister Lord Darzi on the importance of leadership in making hospitals safer for patients.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Mobilising the workforce to improve healthcare


    Studying the dynamics of social movements such as recycling and the anti-smoking lobby could be the key to improving the quality and safety of healthcare in the NHS. Jo Bibby explains

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Secure care: improving life in locked wards


    The latest specifications for housing patients in medium secure care clarify the rules and include welcome proposals to improve life in locked wards. Rebecca Norris reports

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Health and safety: new guidance for directors


    Directors, governors, trustees and officers across the health sector now have a new template for their corporate and individual duties surrounding health and safety. David Sinclair explains the new guide, which from next April is likely to play a fundamental role in prosecutions for corporate manslaughter

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Reducing self-harm in acute psychiatric wards


    Regularly checking on patients, raising the proportion of qualified nurses and organising more patient activity sessions can reduce self-harm and suicide attempts in psychiatric hospitals, according to one of the UK's largest research studies into self-harm on acute psychiatric wards

  • News

    Obesity linked to maternal deaths, report claims


    Obesity is an increasing factor in the number of women dying in pregnancy and childbirth in the UK, according to a new report from the Confidential Enquiry into Maternal and Child Health.

  • Comment

    Managers could face prosecution without infection control


    Healthcare-associated infections are a serious problem in the NHS. It can only be a matter of time before a prosecution is brought against managers and clinicians at a hospital trust, says Andrew Jones

  • News

    New security website launched


    The NHS security management service has launched a new Safe & Secure Health Facilities website. It aims to provide a single point of reference on information of interest to those with responsibility for NHS security matters. It is for members of staff such as local security management specialists, senior ...

  • News

    Maidstone non-executive directors warn of 'scapegoating'


    Three non-executive directors who resigned from Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells trust are to write to non-executives around the country outlining their experience - and warning it could happen to others.

  • News

    Plan to detain poison victims called 'draconian'


    Concerns have been raised over 'draconian' new powers to detain people for up to 28 days to prevent contamination or infection spreading through the population.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Mental health: no-one wins in homicide blame game


    Often inspired by media hysteria, inquiries into homicides by mentally ill people cost the NHS millions each year and produce little real change, says Christine Vize

  • News

    Bad PR will deter health service users, trusts told


    Trust boards must address poor perceptions of the health service to justify a state-funded system, a senior Department of Health official has warned.

  • News

    PCT abandons emergency surgery site


    A Lincolnshire hospital is to lose its emergency general surgery for good - nine months after it was suspended as a temporary measure.

  • News

    Johnson hands out £50m to deep clean NHS dirt


    The government has given the NHS a £50m lump sum to kick-start its 'deep clean'.

  • News

    Most mental health service users face victimisation, report claims


    The extent to which people with mental health problems are the victims of harassment, bullying and physical or sexual abuse in the community is revealed today in a report by charity Mind.

  • News

    Open window warning from HSE


    The Health and Safety Executive has warned hospitals and care providers they have a duty to ensure the safety of their patients, especially from the dangers of open windows.

  • Comment

    David Peat on turning health policy into action


    One of the eternal dilemmas for a chief executive is to translate the words of policy documents into meaningful action on the front line

  • News

    Infection control gets £54m boost in Scotland


    The Scottish government is to spend £54m on tackling healthcare-associated infections over the next three years.The measures include establishing a national MRSA screening programme and monitoring hand hygiene compliance.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Informed consent - can trusts ever meet the legal standard?


    Despite clearer guidance on informed consent, trusts should take precautions to protect themselves from litigation in the event of misunderstandings. Frank Burns explains