All Patient safety articles – Page 262

  • News

    Maidstone chair aims to regain trust of staff


    Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells trust has announced the appointment of an interim chair to steer it through the aftermath of the fatal outbreak of Clostridium difficile.

  • News

    New measures to improve cleanliness in Welsh hospitals


    Unannounced spot checks will be undertaken in Welsh hospitals in a bid to improve cleanliness, it was announced yesterday by health minister Edwina Hart.The new checks will be done by teams from independent watchdog Healthcare Inspectorate Wales.

  • News

    Occupancy rates raise infection risk, say Lib Dems


    Almost half of NHS trusts have bed occupancy rates that put patients at risk of contracting healthcare-acquired infections, according to the Liberal Democrats.

  • News

    C difficile rates were known, claim Tories


    The government knew about Clostridium difficile rates at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells trust well in advance of their publication earlier this month, the Conservative Party has claimed.

  • Comment

    Media Watch: Rose Gibb special


    There's nothing the media likes more than an easy target and this week's was Rose Gibb, formerly chief executive of Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells trust, aka 'the dirtiest hospital in England'.

  • News

    Health check: trusts miss hygiene goals


    Trusts have failed to hit targets for reducing MRSA and many are not meeting basic standards for hygiene and cleanliness.

  • News

    Former Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells chair was 'hung out to dry'


    The chair of the hospital trust at the centre of an infection control scandal has attacked centralised control of the NHS as he stepped down.

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    MRSA target has built-in 'wiggle room'


    The government has given trusts some 'wiggle room' to maintain the new MRSA public service agreement beyond the target date of 2008.

  • News

    One in four hospital trusts not hitting infection control targets


    A quarter of hospital trusts in England are failingto meet new standards on infection control, according the Healthcare Commission's annual health check.Forty-four trusts were not complying with one or all aspects of the hygiene code, standards seen as key after the recent deaths from hospital infections.

  • Comment

    Safety studies must consider cost


    Stephen Thornton's acerbic response in HSJ in September to my concerns about the patient safety industry engenders even greater concerns about this policy area, writes Alan Maynard

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Stephen Ramsden on doctors leading patient safety


    Doctors' involvement in a hospital's patient safety drive is bringing about transformation, says Stephen Ramsden

  • Comment

    Infection control: we are here for the patients, not targets


    The Healthcare Commission's damning investigation into outbreaks of Clostridium difficile at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells trust drives home the message of its report last week on the lack of engagement of some acute trust boards with what is happening on their wards.

  • News

    Healthcare Commission lists a catalogue of failings in handling of C difficile outbreaks


    A Kent trust has been slated by the Healthcare Commission for failing to protect patients against infection.

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    BMA dubious about screening every patient


    The British Medical Association has called for 'hard data' on the effectiveness of screening all hospital admissions for MRSA.

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    C difficile outbreaks a 'scandal', says Johnson


    Health secretary Alan Johnson said he was shocked by the findings of the report into Clostridium difficile outbreaks at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells trust, which he called 'a scandal'.

  • News

    Patient Safety


    Winner Royal Wolverhampton Hospitals NHS TrustFacing the Challenge - Healthcare Acquired InfectionsThe dramatic improvements seen at a trust that once had some of the worst MRSA bacteraemia reduction figures in the country is ultimately the result of one overarching theme - making infection prevention rather than infection control the ...

  • News

    More midwives needed to ensure safety


    More midwives and obstetricians are needed to ensure safe care is provided for women in labour and their babies, says a report published today.Safer Childbirth: minimum standards for the organisation and delivery of care in labour also recommends the need for access to senior staff to provide advice and support ...

  • Comment

    Hygiene: staff won't follow where they are not led


    After the years of media scrutiny, policy statements, regulations, inspections and public outcry - not to mention the avoidable deaths and illnesses - it is hard to comprehend why many acute trust boards are failing to make hygiene standards a priority.

  • News

    Maternity death rates worsening for poorer mums


    Maternity mortality rates have increased, the maternity services czar has revealed.

  • News

    Healthcare Commission finds hygiene code is 'not hitting the headlines' in acute trusts


    Acute trust boards are not taking enough responsibility for controlling infection in their hospitals, the healthcare watchdog has warned.Spot checks on 43 hospitals by the Healthcare Commission have revealed concerns that boards are not regularly discussing opportunities for improvement or ensuring infection control data is analysed effectively.