All articles by PATRICK BUTLER – Page 2

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    Loss cause


    Eighty-five ex-employees of a privatised NHS consultancy who lost their pensions when it went to the wall have reached a settlement - but the fight goes on for those still awaiting justice. Patrick Butler reports

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    Missing the vote


    Critics of Labour's task-forces say they are not so much 'inclusive' government as a means of keeping dissenters sweet and delaying heavy expenditure. And no-one elects their members, writes Patrick Butler

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    Civil unrest - rude awakenings


    Modernisation is about to hit the civil service, long practised at absorbing change without actually changing much. But what will it mean for the DoH and the NHS Executive? Patrick Butler reports

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    Lib Dem attacks NICE's 'hidden' rationing role


    The Liberal Democrats' promise to adopt a 'more trenchant oppositionist approach' to the government was delivered in an attack on the National Institute for Clinical Excellence by the party's former health spokesman, Dr Evan Harris.

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    MPs put health officials on spot in Formula One tobacco ads row


    Senior health officials were subjected to embarrassing scrutiny by MPs last week over the government's decision to exclude Formula One motor racing from its tobacco advertising ban.

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    The 'acceptable face of peerdom' hangs on



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    Insurance policy


    It's not 'repugnant' privatisation and he doesn't have any himself, but shadow health secretary Dr Liam Fox thinks health insurance is the key to improving health outcomes, as he tells Patrick Butler

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    I've started so I'll finish


    He's back. The architect of the New NHS, Alan Milburn, steps into Frank Dobson's shoes as health secretary just as pressure to deliver on pledges mounts. Patrick Butler reports

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    The importance of being Frank


    When he was appointed, few expected the outgoing health secretary to make much of the job. By and large, he has proved his critics wrong, says Patrick Butler

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    Sly and the family Sloanes


    Liam Fox's speech to the Conservative Party conference sought to explain the 'Common Sense Revolution' in health policy. Patrick Butler was there

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    Where angels fear to tread


    Labour leaders singled out doctors' conservatism at last week's party conference. But while Frank Dobson skirted around the issue, Tony Blair went for the jugular. Patrick Butler was there

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    An appealing little number


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    Cut and thrust


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    An appealing little number


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    Sounds familiar


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    Cast aside


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    Lighting up time


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    Make it a double


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    Lights out


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    Articulating Laurie


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