All articles by PATRICK BUTLER – Page 3

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    Baring the Brunt


    As he relinquishes the chair of the Institute of Health Services Management and prepares to become its president, John Brunt gives out a feeling of relief that the worst is over.

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    Do the continental


    news focus

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    Charge of the Right brigade


    Conservatives toiling on the Health Bill standing committee have been fearless in their doomed attempts to gain some ground, writes Patrick Butler

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    Battening down the Thatchies


    news focus

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    Dame, set and match


    news focus

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    Building anxiety



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    Leadership academy seeks rise in standards


    Plans to set up a 'leadership academy' aimed at raising standards of management across all NHS professions are being considered by the NHS Executive and the NHS Confederation.

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    Denham warned over huge task facing him


    this week

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    Dispute ends in union re-recognition deal


    One of the most bitter and lengthy industrial relations stand- offs in the NHS has been resolved after Northumbria Ambulance trust agreed to sign a recognition deal with Unison.

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    Surgeons admit need to root out 'poor performers' after Bristol


    Senior surgeons have admitted that regular performance 'MOTs' are needed to root out poorly performing clinicians and restore public confidence in the profession in the wake of the Bristol babies case.

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    Shadow boxing


    Ann Widdecombe brought the faithful to their feet with fighting talk at last week's Conservative Party conference. Patrick Butler reports

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    Nyes not Tonies


    An award for good practice named after the founder of the NHS was one of the 'appetisers' thrown to Labour delegates at Blackpool, but they made it clear that pay is still the key issue. Patrick Butler reports

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    Managers cool over Dobson's plan for bed closures inquiry


    Decades of planning based on the assumption that the NHS has too many beds have been challenged by health secretary Frank Dobson's decision to launch an inquiry into whether bed closures have 'gone too far'.

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    Back to Beveridge


    The Liberal Democrats believe they have a blueprint for reassessing the welfare state. But nowhere does their latest health policy paper say how much it would all cost.

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    Local commitment with a global vision


    Having been a GP, an NHS manager, and a chair of social services, Liberal Democrat MP Jenny Tonge has a rare perspective across the rugged landscape of health and social care.

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    Private ambulance services' fury over paramedic register


    Private ambulance operators have threatened legal action against plans for a national register of paramedics - claiming that it is an attempt to squeeze them out of the 30m 'public and sporting events' market.

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    Sceptical MPs damp down cash boost euphoria


    The government's triumphant multi-billion pound boost for the NHS was left tarnished this week by MPs' allegations that it put a 'misleading' gloss on the real pounds8.8bn increase over three years by double and triple counting.

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    The great pretenders


    Anyone can claim to be a paramedic, but steps are being taken to freeze out the fraudsters who blight the profession. Patrick Butler reports

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    Trust chief challenges DoH on 999 call system


    A trailblazing trust chief executive has launched an outspoken attack on Department of Health officials over their alleged failure to acknowledge his trust's success in being first to meet a new 999 response-time target.

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    Hearing voices


    Staff whose views are rarely made public speak out on the meaning of the NHS's 50th anniversary in a new book, Other Voices. Author Patrick Butler explains