All Pay articles – Page 31

  • News

    Exclusive: Tighter bailout controls to deal with NHS 'cashflow crisis' revealed


    Requests for short-term revenue support will be subject to “increased challenge and scrutiny” Trusts’ reliance on bailout support has grown in recent years as expenditure has increased faster than income Providers seeking support will need to detail if “suppliers are threatening to put trust’s account on stop” NHS ...

  • Mick Martin

    'Termination payment' to former deputy ombudsman revealed


    Deputy ombudsman Mick Martin received a larger payment than previously disclosed He also received more than £10,000 of “benefits in kind” in 2015-16 PHSO says it “should have been clearer” in its original responses to HSJ The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman made a “termination payment” of £93,834 ...

  • Janet Davies

    RCN chief: New role risks devaluing nursing


    RCN chief executive Janet Davies criticises “lack of transparency” over development of nurse associate role She says proposals to allow nurse associates to administer controlled drugs is “ridiculous” Viewing nursing as a task based role would put patient safety at risk, she says Viewing nursing as a task ...

  • Ian Cumming

    Not HEE's role to fill junior doctor rota gaps, says chief executive


    Ian Cumming says Health Education England is responsible for supplying future consultant workforce The drive to provide 24/7 care has created gaps in rotas that should be filled by non-training staff NHS trusts and universities will need to fund expansion of nurse training posts in 2018 Providing enough ...

  • University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust
    HSJ Local

    Royal college drops threat of legal action against trust


    Royal College of Midwives has agreed not to take any action against University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay RCM had criticised the trust for revealing details of unusual exit deal for senior midwife Statement says revealing the deal was a “unique situation” and union and employer responsibilities “do not always ...

  • ambulance
    HSJ Local

    Company 'disappointed' to give up patient transport contract after seven months


    Coperforma, the company which is handing back its Sussex patient transport contract, has said it is “disappointed” but has not commented on a critical inspection report.

  • Ambulance
    HSJ Local

    Updated: Patient transport firm to relinquish contract after CQC concerns


    An independent patient transport provider is to hand back a £63m contract to the NHS, as it was revealed the Care Quality Commission has served six improvement notices on it.

  • Injection

    Leak reveals nurse associates will be allowed to give patients drugs unsupervised


    Leaked document reveals plan for nursing associates to calculate and administer controlled drugs Internal HEE curriculum framework leaked ahead of Department of Health decision on regulation Expansion of role to include administering drugs is a “recipe for confusion”, says professor of nursing policy EXCLUSIVE: Nursing associates will be ...

  • boardroom night

    New pay cap for interim managers revealed


    NHS trusts will have to obtain formal approval from NHS Improvement to employ interim managers on rates of more than £750 a day, under new rules set out by regulators.

  • Janet Davies

    Nurse shortages 'likely to worsen' due to retirements and leaving EU


    Nursing shortages are likely to get worse and could put patient safety at risk unless the government acts to tackle recruitment and retention problems, the Royal College of Nursing has warned.

  • Nurse hospital doctor

    Health secretary: Trusts told to employ more full-time nurses


    Health secretary says he expects the number of permanently employed NHS nurses to increase Says NHS has overused agency and locum staff Tells trusts to look beyond “binary choice” between savings and quality Health secretary Jeremy Hunt expects the numbers of qualified nurses in permanent NHS employment to ...

  • hospital

    Government negotiating on employment contracts for one million NHS staff


    Jeremy Hunt says “constructive” negotiations under way with NHS unions on further contract reform The junior doctor dispute with the BMA was “wholly avoidable”, says health secretary Mr Hunt claims proposed changes will improve flexible working, quality and morale The government is having “constructive” negotiations with NHS staff ...

  • Burns janis 6th oct roundtable junior doctors contract043
    HSJ Knowledge

    Roundtable: healing the relationship between doctors and trusts


    How can the issues and concerns from the junior doctors’ contract row be overcome? Our roundtable set out to find a way forward from the dispute

  • Warrington Hospital

    Hospital director denies 'impropriety' over 'irregular' payoff deal


    The trust director who agreed an unusual and “very irregular” exit deal for a senior midwife at the centre of a care scandal has denied any “impropriety”.

  • Jackie Daniel

    Royal college issues new 'threatening statement' to hospital trust


    Royal College of Midwives says it is considering taking action after exit deal revealed RCM accused of making “threatening statement” against the trust Former Morecambe Bay chair Sir David Henshaw says he had no knowledge of deal The Royal College of Midwives has today suggested it could take ...

  • Payslip
    HSJ Local

    Financially stricken trust to cut pay bill by 10 per cent in six months


    St George’s University Hospitals FT to cut pay costs by 10 per cent by March Vacancies will be left unfilled but essential posts will continue to be recruited to The trust had an overall vacancy rate of 16 per cent in August A south London teaching hospital plans ...

  • Jackie Daniel chief executive of University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay Foundation Trust

    Trust chief threatened with injunction by royal college


    Royal College of Midwives threatened to injunct University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay Trust Midwife Jeanette Parkinson was a union official for the RCM and received an “irregular” exit payment in 2012 Trust chief executive Jackie Daniel: “My judgement was clear about doing the right thing” The Royal College ...

  • University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust

    Exclusive: 'Irregular' payoff deal revealed at scandal hit trust


    Internal review at University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay uncovers unusual exit payment deal Jeanette Parkinson, a senior midwife involved in the care failings at the trust, left it after the deal in spring 2012 It appeared to include a significant overpayment and a commitment by the trust not to ...

  • Nurse doctor hospital

    Exclusive: Regulator may publish lists of highest earning agency staff


    NHS Improvement describes workforce information that could be published in next quarterly report Provider sector is “falling short” of targets for agency spending New protocols for revising financial forecasts Trusts with “high pay bill growth” to be contacted this month Regulators have warned that NHS providers are “falling ...

  • Ambulance
    HSJ Local

    CCG steps in to pay owed wages in patient transport debacle


    CCG pays wages owed to former NHS patient transport service staff Commisioner says it intends to claw fees back from Coperforma, which disputes the issue Some improvement in performance in recent months A clinical commissioning group has paid the wages owed to the staff of a patient transport ...