All Pay articles – Page 33

  • Whistle

    Updated: Junior doctors granted new whistleblowing protection


    Health Education England agrees to voluntarily close loophole in whistleblowing protection Court ruled earlier this year that HEE was outside employment law The loophole sparked concern among junior doctors during contract dispute Health Education England has said it will extend whistleblowing protection to junior doctors in the NHS ...

  • Alastair McLellan

    Tackling the NHS deficit through targeting trusts' clinical pay bills is a busted flush


    Since it became clear the provider sector deficit would represent a significant danger to the NHS’s ability to stop or even slow declining performance, as well as to deliver service change, a murmur began in senior circles that fixing the problem would mean addressing the previously taboo subject of the ...

  • Nurses

    Nursing shortage could continue beyond 2020


    Forecast demand by trusts for adult nurses is not aligned to the Five Year Forward View Unless demand forecasts reduce the nursing shortage will continue beyond 2020 HEE’s pledge to meet future demand for nurses depends on activity falling in line with forward view Trusts had forecast an additional ...

  • Cornwall
    HSJ Local

    NHS England rows back on £396k deal for CCG interim director


    Kernow CCG will be forced to revisit contract for interim turnaround director The group had been approved to spend £396,000 recruiting a new interim turnaround director during the current financial year NHS England has now said the appointment “will not continue at that rate”, as this would not comply ...

  • GP and patient

    Small jump in doctors applying for NHS training despite contract dispute


    Year on year increase in doctors applying for specialty training and GP training Ten per cent of posts for 2016 remain unfilled Further recruitment drives for some specialties planned More than 120 additional junior doctors have applied for specialty training in the NHS and more than 170 trainees ...

  • Whistle
    HSJ Local

    Whistleblowing manager given £240k payout in wake of bullying claims


    WORKFORCE: A senior manager who made accusations of bullying by the chief executive at a Yorkshire acute trust was given a £240,000 exit package two years after being placed on “special leave”, figures in the trust’s board papers reveal.

  • Jim Mackey

    Mackey: Pay bill growth list was 'intended to start a discussion'


    NHS Improvement says its list of trusts with high pay bill growth was “intended to start a conversation” Jim Mackey says asking for total “excess” of £356m to be cut would be “unworkable and unsafe” Mr Mackey says providers will not “be penalised financially over pay growth” NHS ...

  • Red pencil marking ticks in boxes
    HSJ Local

    NHS England permits CCG to spend nearly £400k on interim director


    The £396,000 includes agency fees and contractual payments to employ turnaround director “during the current financial year”. Actual length of appointment still subject to agreement Post filled by Keith Pringle, who has previously worked with Hampshire CCGs and Gloucestershire Hospitals Foundation Trust APPOINTMENT: NHS England has authorised a ...

  • GP_doctor2

    GPs to be offered 'portfolio' contract with hospital trust


    Commissioners in east Sussex are to offer GPs a contact with the local acute and community services trust.

  • Worcestershire Acute Hospitals Trust

    Updated: More trust leaders insist regulator was wrong to target pay bills


    NHS Improvement’s figures identifying potential excess paybill spending did not take account of key service changes, chief executives say Trusts including Salford Royal and UCLH identified as over-spending on staff Regulator will be asked to publish revised list by Royal Devon FT More trust leaders have defended their ...

  • Workforce

    Trust chiefs hit back at claims of overspending on staff


    Hospital chief executives who face having to find millions of pounds in extra savings have hit back at NHS Improvement’s claims they may have recruited too many staff.

  • Payslip

    Interim managers' pay at CCGs capped


    Senior managers will need to approve all interim CCG managers paid at above £600 per day, as part of new NHS England measures to limit costs.

  • Money

    DH signed off £3bn in working capital loans last year


    Explore the trust by trust data The Department of Health paid £3.1bn in working capital loans to trusts in 2015-16, HSJ analysis of official data shows.

  • Leeds General Infirmary
    HSJ Local

    Teaching hospital pleads for any junior doctors to help staff A&E


    Leeds Teaching Hospital appealed for junior doctors regardless of experience or specialty to work in its A&E departments Agency and locum staff declined shifts at the trust despite offers to pay above capped rate Royal College of Emergency Medicine president says country is short of 1,000 A&E consultants ...

  • Richmond House

    Department of Health shake-up revealed


    DH unveils new directorate structure as part of cost cutting drive Social care and technology move into new community care directorate Four new directorates report to permanent secretary Chris Wormald The Department of Health has reorganised its directorate structure, HSJ has learned.

  • Pay

    Exclusive: Paybills and planned care targeted in huge savings drive


    NHS Improvement sets out plan for major interventions to bring provider sector deficit down to £250m in 2016-17 Warns that planned £550m deficit makes management of overall NHS financial position “very risky” Providers given a month to produce plans for consolidation of back office and pathology services across entire ...

  • boardroom

    Troubled CCGs spent hundreds of thousands on interim directors


    CCGs in legal directions have each spent hundreds of thousands of pounds turnaround directors and other senior roles NHS England served directions to a number of CCGs in 2015-16 Groups say they have to appoint executives quickly as part of process NEW Devon spent £335,000 on off-payroll turnaround director ...

  • Workforce

    Working hours protections for NHS staff in doubt after Brexit


    Working hours protections for more than 1 million NHS staff could be in jeopardy in the wake of Britain’s decision to leave the EU, HSJ has been told.

  • Janet Davies

    Public health cuts 'playing around with people's lives', says RCN chief


    Government plans to scrap bursaries in England, public health cuts, caps on pay for agency staff and the removal of the Department of Health’s nursing policy unit all came under fire from the chief executive of the Royal College of Nursing at the union’s annual congress.

  • Nurse treating patient

    DH to scrap nursing advisory team


    Nursing policy unit to be scrapped as part of DH cost cutting drive Decision criticised by unions as an “appalling message” to professions Sir Robert Francis QC raised fears over a weak nursing voice in 2013 The Department of Health is planning to axe its nursing, midwifery and ...