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HSJ Local
Berkshire West on target for surplus
FINANCE: Berkshire West primary care trust has hit its planned surplus position and is expecting to achieve its year end target of £6.5m.
HSJ Local
Erratic performance on 111 services in Oxfordshire
PERFORMANCE: Performance of NHS 111 services in Oxfordshire have been “variable” over the winter due to issues around staffing availability and call distribution.
HSJ Local
Oxfordshire QIPP plan behind target
FINANCE: The Oxfordshire quality, innovation, productivity and prevention plan was £1.3m below its savings target at month nine.
HSJ Local
Aylesbury Vale CCG heading for deficit
FINANCE: Aylesbury Vale clinical commissioning group is forecasting a £1m deficit for 2012-13, driven largely by demand for unscheduled care services.
HSJ Local
Buckinghamshire QIPP plan to fall short by a third
FINANCE: Buckinghamshire’s attempts to reduce activity were off target due to quality, innovation, productivity and prevention plan slippages.
HSJ Local
Southampton over plan on infections
PERFORMANCE: NHS Southampton has significantly exceeded its year to date limit for C difficile infections, and went over the full-year limit for MRSA just seven months into the year.
HSJ Local
SHIP cluster on target for surplus despite QIPP shortfall
FINANCE: The Southampton, Hampshire, Isle of Wight and Portsmouth primary care trust cluster is expecting to hit its £16.3m surplus target, despite a £10.9m shortfall in efficiency schemes.
HSJ Local
Southampton acute demand skyrockets
PERFORMANCE: All measures of demand for acute services all significantly over plan in Southampton in October, latest primary care trust data shows.
HSJ Local
Berkshire ambulance handovers miss target
PERFORMANCE: Berkshire primary care trusts have requested extra funding from the South Central strategic health authority to improve ambulance handover performance.
HSJ Local
Five directors appointed to board's Wessex team
WORKFORCE: Five director-level appointments have been made to the NHS Commissioning Board’s Wessex local area team.
HSJ Local
Southampton children's breaks service to be decommissioned
COMMERCIAL: Commissioners in Southampton have proposed to decommission an NHS funded service providing short breaks for disabled children.
HSJ Local
Pressure ulcers concerns raised by Norfolk and Waveney
PERFORMANCE NHS Norfolk & Waveney PCT cluster is “very concerned” about the high incidence of pressure ulcers across all its providers, according to board papers.
HSJ Local
Berkshire East hits surplus target despite acute overperformance
FINANCE: Berkshire East primary care trust is forecasting a £5.9m surplus at the end of 2012-13.
HSJ Local
Notice given to 30 Berkshire PCT staff
WORKFORCE: Thirty staff in the Berkshire primary care trust cluster had notice served of redundancy at the end of December.
HSJ Local
Isle of Wight CCG authorised
STRUCTURE: The Isle of Wight clinical commissioning group has been fully authorised by the NHS Commissioning Board.
HSJ Local
Cancer waiting times slip in Birmingham and Solihull
PERFORMANCE: The Birmingham and Solihull primary care trust cluster has reported a dip in performance against a cancer waiting time target.
HSJ Local
Risk sharing plan amid Oxfordshire acute overperformance
FINANCE: Commissioners and providers in Oxfordshire are to negotiate risk sharing amid significant over performance on the local acute provider contract.
HSJ Local
Oxfordshire delayed transfer rate falls sharply
The rate of delayed transfers of care in Oxfordshire fell significantly last month.
HSJ Local
NHS Direct awarded Buckinghamshire 111 contract
COMMERCIAL: NHS Direct has been named as the successful bidder for NHS 111 services in Buckinghamshire.
HSJ Local
NHS 111 leads to drop in out of hours activity
PERFORMANCE: Out of hours activity has fallen 8.5 per cent in Oxfordshire since the NHS 111 service was launched.