All PCT LIST articles – Page 10
HSJ Local
NHS Bedfordshire blames local authority for overspends
FINANCE: Two areas of overspending for NHS Bedfordshire are related to funding of the local authority, according to board papers.
HSJ Local
NHS Bedfordshire asks for transformation cash to help with savings
FINANCE: NHS Bedfordshire’s savings targets are reliant on £3.65m of funds from the strategic health authority for investment in services.
HSJ Local
Mid Essex approves social enterprise
STRUCTURE: NHS Mid Essex’s board has approved the primary care trust’s provider arm application to form as a social enterprise.
HSJ Local
Suspension of births at Winchester and Eastleigh birthing centre to continue
STRUCTURE: Winchester and Eastleigh Healthcare Trust is to continue with the suspension of births at the Andover Birthing Centre while a review of the service’s future is carried out.
HSJ Local
'Challenging' savings plan for NHS Portsmouth
FINANCE: NHS Portsmouth needs to make quality, innovation, productivity and prevention (QIPP) savings of £15.2m in the coming financial year, equivalent to 4.6 per cent of the primary care trust’s allocation.
HSJ Local
Commisioners agree to pick up the bill for Portsmouth's PFI
FINANCE: Commissioners in south east Hampshire have agreed to pay the unitary payments of the private finance initiative for any parts of Portsmouth’s Queen Alexandra Hospital estate that can be freed up for alternative uses.
HSJ Local
Queen Mary's closures knock on to neighbouring trusts
PERFORMANCE: The closure of maternity and accident and emergency services at Queen Mary’s Sidcup has led to services elsewhere being closed due to demand outstripping capacity.
HSJ Local
Mid Essex cost reductions come from consultancy spend
FINANCE: Mid Essex PCT has delivered management cost savings mainly through reducing the use of external consultants, with some savings coming from voluntary redundancies.
HSJ Local
Barnet PCT completes community services transfer
STRUCTURE: NHS Barnet’s community services has transferred out of the primary care trust into the Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust (CLCH).
HSJ Local
Mid Essex PCT heading for £3m surplus
FINANCE: Mid Essex PCT is forecasting a surplus for the 2010-11 financial year of £3m, which is £2m better than the plan.
HSJ Local
Concerns raised about risk management group at NHS South West Essex
STRUCTURE: Concerns have been expressed over a poorly attended risk managment group at South West Essex PCT.
HSJ Local
NHS Hillingdon to miss surplus target
FINANCE: NHS Hillingdon is £4.9m behind its financial plan for 2010-11, reporting a deficit of £1.2m in February.
HSJ Local
Sheffield PCT back on track to break even
FINANCE: Sheffield PCT is on course to record a small end of year surplus, having made significant savings in recent months.
HSJ Local
South West Essex to fall short on turnaround schemes
FINANCE: South West Essex PCT is forecasting that it will fall £11.6m short of its turnaround plan for the current financial year.
HSJ Local
South West Essex PCT pins hopes on £8m contingency release
FINANCE: The South West Essex primary care trust will need £8m of contingency funds to break even this year.
HSJ Local
NHS Enfield predicts deficit next year
FINANCE: NHS Enfield is forecasting a deficit of more than £20m for 2011-12 – but this depends on a £30m efficiency savings programme heavily reliant on tighter contracts with acute trusts.
HSJ Local
Great Western Hospitals FT plans £7m cost improvement savings
FINANCE: Great Western Hospitals Foundation Trust plans to make £7.2m of savings during the coming financial year according to its budget for 2011-12.
HSJ Local
Hertfordshire patients more likely to be in mixed sex wards
PERFORMANCE: NHS Hertfordshire has the highest rate of mixed sex accomodation breaches in the NHS East of England area.
HSJ Local
South West Essex PCT has shed 200 staff since last year
WORKFORCE: NHS South West Essex has reported that it will have 200 fewer staff for the 2011-12 financial year.
HSJ Local
Hertfordshire PCT's £27m LIFT plan laid before SHA board
COMMERCIAL: The primary care trust’s plans for a £27m hospital development have been put before the NHS East of England board.