All PCT LIST articles – Page 23
HSJ Local
NHS Doncaster working on consortia governance
STRUCTURE: NHS Doncaster is developing governance arrangements for an area-wide commissioning consortium, after being named as a “pathfinder” to trial the arrangements for the transfer of budgets from primary care trusts.
HSJ Local
NHS Calderdale £3.2m behind plan
FINANCE: NHS Calderdale is projecting an overspend of £3.2m in 2010-11, against its planned £6.8m surplus.
HSJ Local
NHS Bradford and Airedale stepping up stress services
WORKFORCE: NHS Bradford and Airedale is extending stress and wellbeing services for staff in response to rising levels of stress-related absenses.
HSJ Local
Northumberland Care Trust records £6.8m overactivity
FINANCE: Northumberland Care Trust has recorded £6.849m acute overactivity so far in 2010-11.
HSJ Local
NHS Hartlepool cluster names executive team
STRUCTURE: NHS Hartlepool has clustered with NHS Middlesbrough, NHS Redcar and Cleveland and NHS Stockton-on-Tees, and several senior appointments have been made.
HSJ Local
NHS Middlesbrough cluster names executive team
STRUCTURE: NHS Middlesbrough has clustered with NHS Hartlepool, NHS Redcar and Cleveland and NHS Stockton-on-Tees, and several senior appointments have been made.
HSJ Local
NHS Redcar and Cleveland cluster names executive team
STRUCTURE: NHS Redcar and Cleveland has clustered with NHS Hartlepool, NHS Middlesbrough and NHS Stockton-on-Tees, and several senior appointments have been made.
HSJ Local
NHS Stockton-on-Tees cluster names executive team
STRUCTURE: NHS Hartlepool has clustered with NHS Middlesbrough, NHS Redcar and Cleveland and NHS Stockton-on-Tees, and several senior appointments have been made.
HSJ Local
NHS Derby City plans 8 per cent reduction to provider contracts
FINANCE: Financial modelling by NHS Derby City has identified a need to reduce 2011-12 contract values by 8 per cent on average across all providers, in order to transfer financial sustainability to GP commissioners from 2012-13.
HSJ Knowledge
CQUIN in stroke units
In the UK, an estimated 150,000 people have a stroke annually (1). Mortality and morbidity are high. 67,000 deaths occur annually (2) and many of those who survive are left with moderate or severe disabilities (3).
HSJ Knowledge
Economic modelling
Economic modelling can be used to support commissioning decisions by testing the cost and benefit impact of multiple care pathway scenarios.
Operating framework to pave way for abolition of targets
A revised NHS operating framework is expected to immediately relax a number of Labour’s flagship targets - and pave the way for their subsequent abolition.