All PCT LIST articles – Page 3
HSJ Local
Birmingham CCGs set to merge
STRUCTURE: Two Birmingham clinical commissioning groups have “expressed a preference” for merging.
New rules to tackle drugs lottery
More details have come to light of how hospitals that delay acting on National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence guidance will be forced to explain hold-ups to patients.
HSJ Local
South Warwickshire TIA performance crashes
PERFORMANCE: The proportion of high risk South Warwickshire “mini stroke” patients assessed and treated within 24 hours stood at just 39 per cent in May, following a service reconfiguration.
HSJ Local
Arden QIPP fails as acute contracts overheat
FINANCE: The Arden primary care trust cluster is reporting a significant shortfall in quality, innovation, productivity and prevention savings, and overperformance in its acute contracts.
HSJ Local
Coventry and Warwickshire acute trusts all above average on death rates
PERFORMANCE: All three acute provider trusts in the Warwickshire area are reporting mortality rates significantly above the national average.
HSJ Local
Plans for pooled budgets in Oxfordshire to fight delayed transfers
Health and social care commissioners in Oxfordshire have agreed in principle to a pooled budget for services used by older patients as the central part of a programme to cut the county’s high rate of delayed transfers of care.
HSJ Local
Analysed: Delayed transfers of care in Oxfordshire
This HSJ Local Briefing looks at how the health and social care economy in Oxfordshire can control its rate of delayed transfers of care.
HSJ Local
Concerns over diagnostic performance in Birmingham and Solihull
PERFORMANCE: Increased demand for endoscopy tests has caused the Birmingham and Solihull primary care trust cluster to struggle to hit its target on diagnostic waits.
HSJ Local
Birmingham cluster predicts £26m QIPP shortfall
FINANCE: Birmingham and Solihull primary care trust cluster has predicted a £26m shortfall on efficiency savings against a target of £58m.
HSJ Local
West Midlands SHA releases £44m to Birmingham cluster
FINANCE: The West Midlands strategic health authority will release £44m to the Birmingham and Solihull primary care trust cluster, on the understanding the cluster pays for all its transition costs.
HSJ Local
SHIP cluster overlooks bank holiday impact on activity levels
PERFORMANCE: Activity levels in the Southampton, Hampshire, Isle of Wight and Portsmouth primary care trust cluster area continue to be up on last year and higher than planned.
HSJ Local
Hampshire providers struggle on emergency target
PERFORMANCE: Providers in the Hampshire area have struggled to meet the four hour accident and emergency waiting times target in quarter one of 2012-13.
HSJ Local
Data difficulties hit SHIP QIPP plans
FINANCE: Efficiency savings in the Southampton, Hampshire, Isle of Wight and Portsmouth primary care trust cluster are reported as being on plan, despite local data problems.
HSJ Local
Birmingham and Solihull cluster heading for £18m shortfall
FINANCE: The Birmingham and Solihull primary care trust cluster’s financial forecast has improved by £5m, but it is still predicting a £14m overspend by the end of 2012-13.
HSJ Local
West Hants CCG chosen to trial year of care tariff
STRUCTURE: West Hampshire clinical commissioning group has been confirmed as an “early implementer” site to trial a year of care tariff for patients with long term conditions.
HSJ Local
SHIP underspending on staff
WORKFORCE: The Southampton, Hampshire, Isle of Wight and Portsmouth primary care trust cluster is currently spending £500,000 less than planned on workforce.
HSJ Local
Hampshire CCGs appoint PCT man as accountable officer
WORKFORCE: Two Hampshire clinical commissioning groups have announced they will be sharing a chief officer.
HSJ Local
GEM CSS leader appointed
WORKFORCE: John Parkes has been appointed managing director of the Greater East Midlands commissioning support service.
HSJ Local
Birmingham and Solihull faces £16.9m QIPP shortfall
FINANCE: Commissioners in Birmingham and Solihull have reported a £16.9m gap in their efficiency savings plans, accounting for 29 per cent of the total for this year.
HSJ Local
Warwickshire CCGs merge
STRUCTURE: Two clinical commissioning groups have merged to form a single organisation in north Warwickshire following advice from the NHS Commissioning Board.