All PCT Network articles – Page 5

  • HSJ Knowledge

    A guide to world class commissioning


    The Department of Health's 'world class' masterplan aims to create a commissioning system other nations will envy. Daloni Carlisle examines the progress of an initiative that has re-energised PCTs and created huge expectations

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Commissioning: a problem shared


    Many reforms must rest on well-supported commissioners. Specialist services and agencies serving clusters of primary care trusts mean help is at hand, reports Daloni Carlisle

  • News

    PCT Network appoints new chair


    The NHS Confederation's Primary Care Trust Network has elected Dr Lise Llewellyn as its chair and Paul Sabapathy as vice chair.Dr Llewellyn is chief executive of Berkshire East primary care trust and Mr Sabapathy is chair of Birmingham East and North PCT.

  • News

    PCT network attacks 'unfair' reporting of top-slice effect


    Primary care leaders are calling for changes to the way finances are reported after it emerged that the vast majority of current primary care trust debts are the result of top-slicing.

  • News

    PCT network to 'manage creative tensions'


    Tensions between acute and primary care trusts could be soothed by the new NHS Confederation PCT network, its chair has said.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    At your service


    The government and PCTs are contemplating the benefits of community foundation trusts, but are they really the future for provider services, asks Kaye McIntosh