All Pensions articles – Page 7

  • News

    Man guilty of NHS pension fraud


    A man has pleaded guilty to claiming almost £28,000 from his dead mother’s NHS pension after being caught by a national fraud prevention programme.

  • Older couple sorting out bills

    Revealed: The STPs facing the biggest GP retirement risk


    Eleven STPs highlighted for “high” risk of future GP supply problems In seven STP footprints more than 20 per cent of GPs are over 55 Kent and Medway has the highest proportion of older doctors Mapped: The areas with highest proportion of GPs over 55 Eleven sustainability and ...

  • HSJ Local

    Trust outsources payroll services to neighbour after 'dissatisfaction' with national provider


    Salisbury Foundation Trust new provider of payroll and pensions services for University Hospital Southampton Foundation Trust Service was carried out for 12 years by NHS Shared Business Services University Hospital Southampton FT in process of resolving “residual ongoing issues” with NHS Shared Business Services A major acute teaching ...

  • pension_retirement

    NHS pension costs to shift from DH to employers


    Employer pension contributions will rise from 1 April to cover cost of new levy Department of Health considers the pension scheme a frontline operational service NHS Business Services Authority will receive £35m NHS employers will have to increase their contributions to the NHS pension scheme from next month ...

  • Ambulance
    HSJ Local

    CCG pays ambulance staff wages following private provider dispute


    £642,000 of goodwill payments made to ambulance workers by CCG Chief finance officer says: “We are not setting a precendent” CCG admits “there was frailty in the subcontracting market” Commissioners in Sussex paid a total of £642,000 in wages to former NHS staff after their private company employer ...

  • Workforce

    Doctors could be allowed to opt out of new consultant contract


    Contract proposal would allow consultants to opt out of new contract Idea would avoid the need for a ballot on the contract NHS Employers says it is “unwise” to prejudge outcomes of negotiations A new consultant contract for hospital doctors in England could be made optional for both ...

  • Pensions
    HSJ Local

    NHS 'opt out' pension scheme deemed legal


    Pensions Regulator rules East and North Hertfordshire Trust’s new opt-out pension scheme as legal Despite criticising a similar scheme earlier this year, NHS Pension Board says trust is “entitled to engage its staff” on “alternative employment” offers Trust says the scheme appears “successful” and is considering extending offer ...

  • Calculator

    Exclusive: Chair kept bankruptcy secret from trust


    Trust chair failed to tell colleagues and NHS Improvement he had been made bankrupt Museji Takolia left Wye Valley nearly three months after bankruptcy declared Departure not announced by trust or NHS Improvement Mr Takolia on “special leave” from role as chair of the Pensions Advisory Service An ...

  • Janet Davies

    Nurse shortages 'likely to worsen' due to retirements and leaving EU


    Nursing shortages are likely to get worse and could put patient safety at risk unless the government acts to tackle recruitment and retention problems, the Royal College of Nursing has warned.

  • Man holding a box of office belongings

    Government plans cap on NHS exit payments


    Treasury announces bid to reduce NHS redundancy payments Changes could affect all NHS staff including doctors and senior managers Legislation will cap exit payments and claw back payments from returning staff The Treasury has revealed plans to substantially cut the size of redundancy payments made to public sector ...

  • Lister Hospital
    HSJ Local

    Trust makes controversial pension offer to reduce vacancies


    East and North Herts Trust to offer a higher salary to new nurses if they opt out of NHS pension NHS Pension Board previously raised concerns that similar scheme at Oxleas FT “induced” staff to choose pension opt-out NHS Improvement aware of ENHT’s decision for “some time” A ...

  • Pensions
    HSJ Local

    Trust drops controversial pension opt-out scheme


    A mental health trust has halted a controversial recruitment scheme, in which nursing staff were offered the chance to sacrifice pension contributions in return for better pay.

  • Retirement sign

    Hunt: Pension increase is 'more bearable' for NHS


    Jeremy Hunt says pension cost increase should be “more bearable” than thought for employers Cites lower than expected inflation Health secretary believes £22bn savings target “possible” The increased pension contributions expected from NHS employers will be a “more bearable burden” than previously thought, Jeremy Hunt has said.

  • Paul Healy NHS Confederation

    How to handle the ticking pension time bomb


    Paul Healy on what can be done to manage the additional costs of reforming public sector pensions

  • Pensions
    HSJ Local

    Trust offers nurses better pay for opting out of pension


    Oxleas Foundation Trust has defended a controversial pay deal aimed at attracting agency nurses, which means band 5 nurses can earn more if they opt out of the NHS pension scheme.

  • Old man in bed, doctor using stehoscope

    Consultants and NHS Employers close in on new contract


    Negotiation document sent to Department of Health for approval Final offer to be made to BMA consultants committee this month Potential deal emerges days before junior doctors go on strike A potential deal has been reached between NHS Employers and British Medical Association negotiators over reforms to hospital ...

  • Workforce
    HSJ Knowledge

    Steps towards better workforce planning


    Need for a collaborative approach

  • News

    BMA and NHS Employers in 'exploratory' talks


    Representatives from the British Medical Association and NHS Employers have held talks that could lead to the resumption of formal negotiations over changes to medical contracts, HSJ can reveal.

  • Jeremy Hunt 2014

    Health secretary launches crackdown on NHS executive pay


    Health secretary Jeremy Hunt has ordered an immediate review of executive pay at every NHS hospital in England.

  • Michael White

    Osborne's impact on NHS finances is small beer


    More painful money troubles highlighted this week