All People moves articles – Page 96

  • News

    Short cuts King's Fund appoints new senior associates


    Baroness Cumberlege, Lord Harris of Haringey, Catherine McLoughlin and Sir Leslie Turnberg have been appointed senior associates of the King's Fund. Sir Leslie will work with the Health Quality Service on clinical standards, while NHS Confederation chair Ms McLoughlin will work on 'professional roles and leadership development'. Baroness Cumberlege, a ...

  • News

    Two new health authority chairs have been appointed in the North West region.


    Two new health authority chairs have been appointed in the North West region. Alan Bullen, who is leader of West Lancashire district council, becomes chair of South Lancashire HA. Vourneen Darbyshire, a solicitor, becomes chair of North West Lancashire HA. She is a former non-executive director of Blackpool, Wyre and ...

  • News

    Donaldson appointed chief medical officer


    Northern and Yorkshire regional director Professor Liam Donaldson is to take over as chief medical officer for England on a top-ranking civil service salary worth up to pounds164,000 a year.

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    HA appoints public health director at last


    A health authority without a public health director since 1995 has at last made an appointment.

  • News

    Sacked trust chair with Tor y links is reappointed


    Health secretary Frank Dobson has been forced to reappoint a trust chair with Conservative Party connections less than two months after he sacked her.