All Performance articles – Page 76

  • Scanner

    NHS breaches main waiting target for first time since 2011


    The NHS in England has officially breached the main waiting times target for elective treatment.

  • Operation
    HSJ Local

    Exclusive: £50m deficit trust 'does not know how much it spent with private sector'


    Foundation trust unable to how much it spent sending patients to private sector St George’s slid into deficit soon after acquiring FT status and forecasts £50m overspend in 2015-16 Auditors’ report criticises “lack of oversight on a trust-wide basis” FINANCE: A teaching hospital forecasting a £50m deficit this ...

  • Treasury

    Treasury gives £1.2bn boost to DH revenue budget


    DH confirms it will get an extra £205m from the Treasury, and transfer £950m from its capital budget to revenue spending Revised departmental funding estimates will be laid before Parliament today, before being debated and voted on in the coming weeks Bailout comes amid warnings that the DH could ...

  • Surgery
    HSJ Local

    Thousands of patients adrift on specialist trust waiting lists


    Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt FT has identified 14,500 follow-up patients beyond their due date More than 1,200 planned patients had no date or a date that had been missed Monitor to appoint improvement director to oversee recovery plan PATIENT SAFETY: Thousands of patients at a specialist acute ...

  • Andrew Morris

    Frimley chief calls for increase in NHS takeovers


    Sir Andrew Morris says “clinical leadership” key to successful acquisition of Heatherwood and Wexham Park Foundation Trust Says NHS still has “too many organisations on the provider and commissioning side” Frimley Health “not at the moment” looking at extending to a “hospital chain” The NHS should do trust ...

  • boardroom table and chairs

    Monitor considering putting 25 trusts into turnaround with management consultancies


    Monitor considering putting up to 25 trusts into turnaround Process would be the largest programme of intervention in the acute sector since the “Keogh reviews” process in 2013 HSJ understands a list of the target trusts has not yet been drawn up Monitor has sounded out management consultancies ...

  • basildon tower
    HSJ Local

    Hospital trust 'financially unsustainable'


    FINANCE: Basildon and Thurrock University Hospitals Foundation Trust is not “financially sustainable”, Monitor has concluded.

  • Agency nurses

    New data suggests agency price cap is working


    Monitor data suggests 40 per cent drop in number of agency shifts breaching new price caps Largest fall was in nursing, where breaches dropped by 47 per cent Lower levels of pay and new rules to roll out over next few months The number of NHS shifts by ...

  • Medway Maritime hospital
    HSJ Local

    Ambulances may be diverted from failing trust


    ACUTE CARE: Medway Foundation Trust could see some blue light ambulances sent to another hospital in response to public concern.

  • Nurses

    Carter to back new measure of nurse productivity


    Carter to call for new “principal” measure of nursing deployment to be introduced from April “Care hours per patient day” derived from nursing and healthcare assistant hours per inpatient Review expected to call for “national people strategy” to tackle absenteeism, bullying and turnover Will also back clampdown on use ...

  • coins toppling

    NHS ordered to use fines to boost DH bottom line


    All fines for breaches of performance targets must now be used to improve provider or commissioner bottom lines, national bodies have decreed Commissioners will not be able to use money from fines to address causes of poor performance Move is intended to help Department of Health avoid blowing its ...

  • Jim Mackey

    Exclusive: NHS Improvement executive team structure revealed


    NHS Improvement agrees executive team structure for after Monitor-TDA meger Eleven executives will report directly to Jim Mackey Posts are open to applicants from the regulators’ senior teams and affected NHS England staff NHS Improvement expected announce appointments by mid-February NHS Improvement has agreed the structure of the ...

  • UK map

    Map: Which health systems are struggling the most?


    This map shows which health systems are performing most poorly across a range of measures, and two which are performing well, according to HSJ’s analysis.

  • Snowy UK street

    ‘Good Christmas’ for NHS hospitals but some trusts still struggle


    141 reports of “serious operational problems” over Christmas, compared to 336 in previous year A&E diverts also down compared to 2014-15 period Yeovil District Hospital, County Durham and Darlington, and Dartford and Gravesham Trust among strugglers Reports of “serious operational problems” at acute hospitals more than halved over ...

  • Doctor strike Jan 2016

    Cancellations from junior doctors' strike could hit elective performance, expert warns


    Cancellations and pressure on waiting lists encourage trusts to “game” statistics, source tells HSJ Overall waiting list nears 3.5 million patients Waiting times expert estimates waiting time target was missed last October This week’s junior doctors’ strike could exacerbate an already difficult situation for elective waiting times in ...

  • Rob Findlay

    How to blow the socks off regulators


    A full draft operational plan by 8 February? Certainly, sir. Would you prefer the sums to be wrong, or the method unrealistic?

  • Basildon Hospital

    Search for Essex success regime leader relaunched


    System leaders launch second attempt to recruit permanent chair for Essex success regime NHS England regional team insists project has “not been delayed” as a result of the protracted appointment process Success regime has been downsized to focus on just central and south Essex System leaders have launched ...

  • 3002153 busy hospital

    Trusts told to shift elective capacity to A&E


    Hospitals trusts told to increase beds for A&E surge by 20 per cent Commissioners told to delay fines for cancelled electives until next financial year Senior management told “safety profile of the organisation” must be given ”’top of the office’ attention” Commissioners have been asked not to financially ...

  • Workforce

    NHS told to achieve nine 'must dos' during 2016-17


    NHS providers across a quarter of England must meet four out of 10 clinical standards for seven day services during 2016-17 Local areas told they must achieve nine ‘must dos’ including eliminating NHS deficit Focus on achieving waiting time and care access targets Every local health system has ...

  • Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust

    Southern Health leadership condemned in report on patient deaths


    Southern Health investigates “too few” deaths in learning disability and older people’s mental health services, report says Board did not take action on the poor quality of investigations, despite repeated warnings from coroners Deaths had “little prominence” at board level Low level of investigations into deaths compared to similar ...