Peter Carter
Peter Carter, OBE, former CEO of Royal College of Nursing
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Fining NHS trusts is a pointless gesture
Peter Carter points out better ways need to be constructed than prosecuting NHS trusts and spending money on legal costs as means of improving standards and eliminating poor practice
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Covid proves that commissioning and regulation add little value
The development of strategy over a local health economy will be much more coherent if provider led, says Peter Carter
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Politicians are shamed by their failure to follow Dame Sally’s lead
Policy makers and legislators should pay heed to Dame Sally Davies’ 2018 annual report that gives practical solutions to the challenges facing the health of the nation, exhorts Peter Carter
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Comment: Why I am a born-again buddy-ist
Peter Carter puts up a strong case in favour of the concept of buddying, whereby trusts that are struggling are “buddied up” with a successful trust
- HSJ Knowledge
Nurses need freedom to do their jobs properly
Significant obstacles are holding up advanced nurse practitioners
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Peter Carter: CCGs need nurses’ talents
Nurses are ideally placed to provide a strategic focus on high-quality care
- HSJ Knowledge
Why now is the time to invest in community care
Care in the community will ease nursing pressures and help patients but it is not going to happen by accident, says Peter Carter
- HSJ Knowledge
How staff can lead the way in a redesign
There is no shortage of examples of staff-led redesign saving money while improving care - the workforce just needs the permission to do it, writes RCN chief executive Peter Carter.
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Peter Carter: tomorrow's NHS
The future of the NHS - patient care, sustainable services, preventing illness - depends not on competition, but collaboration and cooperation, argues Peter Carter.