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HSJ Local
CQC regime doesn’t work for trusts like mine, says CEO
The Care Quality Commission’s risk-based inspection regime unfairly disadvantage trusts with more than one hospital site, the boss of a multisite trust has told HSJ.
HSJ Local
Major acute trust appoints new chief
North West Anglia Foundation Trust has appointed a new chief executive following the retirement of Stephen Graves.
HSJ Local
Senior chief of major acute trust to retire
North West Anglia Foundation Trust chief executive Stephen Graves is to retire, with interviews for his replacement taking place this week.
Analysis by trust: Large majority provide less consultant access at weekends
The majority of trusts continue to provide patients with less access to consultants at the weekend compared to a weekday, new data reveals.
HSJ Local
Exclusive: Special measures trust appoints ex-UCLH boss as new chief
A trust in special measures has appointed a former University College London Hospitals boss and private sector consultant as its new chief executive.
HSJ Local
Special measures trust appoints successor to Phil Morley
Former Hinchingbrooke chief executive succeeds controversial chief at special measures trust Lance McCarthy led Hinchingbrooke out of special measures before its merger with Peterborough Princess Alex was rated inadequate and placed in special measures last year Troubled Princess Alexandra Hospital Trust has appointed a successor to its controversial ...
Revealed: CQC inspects 40 providers after whistleblower concerns
Whisteblowing complaints to the CQC resulted in 15 NHS and 25 independent providers having an inspection instigated or bought forward Twenty per cent of private providers and 9 per cent of NHS providers subject to a complaint had an inspection unexpectedly scheduled Between 1 April 2016 and 17 February ...
Revealed: NHS England intervenes at 10 trusts over DTOC rates
Ten trusts visited by NHS England “central support” team to “accelerate” delayed transfers of care initiatives FOI revealed the team initially shortlisted 33 trusts at “high risk” of delayed transfers NHS England also drew up a list of trusts that must “prioritise” plans to implement A&E streaming services ...
Analysis: A&E performance sinks to record low
Performance on main A&E measure lowest since targets introduced Fall in performance outstrips 3.7 per cent increase in admissions and attendances North west London and Cambridgeshire see worst performances and steepest declines Accident and emergency performance for December in England has sunk to its lowest level since the ...
Revealed: New oversight ratings for every NHS trust
Each trust placed in one of four categories based on the level of support they require from NHS Improvement Trusts will be formally categorised next month as part of the regulator’s new “single oversight framework” Thirty-five out of 238 trusts will have “maximum autonomy” See every rating in the ...
HSJ Local
Hospitals cancel hundreds of appointments after 'critical' tech crash
Two hospitals in the Midlands have had critical internal incidents declared after a major technology failure, which is affecting all trust IT and telecoms systems.
Exclusive: Private firm quits high profile £120m NHS development
Ramsay Healthcare UK pulls out of high profile building project Firm was due to run a 90 bed private hospital on the new complex Partnership with Cambridge University Hospitals Foundation Trust announced in 2013 Ramsey’s decision to withdraw was taken shortly after the EU referendum A private healthcare ...
CQC launches inquiry into trusts failing to improve
Only six out out of 21 trusts re-inspected by the CQC in 2015-16 showed overall improvement Review commissioned to discover “underlying reasons” why trusts are struggling to improve Colchester chief executive calls for single “oversight committees” to become more common The Care Quality Commission has set up an ...
HSJ Local
Hinchingbrooke chair: Ditching Circle management structure key to turnaround
Replacing management structure put in by private firm which previously ran trust was key to turning around performance, says chair Alan Burns praises efforts of staff across Hinchingbrooke Health Care Trust Reduction in trust’s A&E opening hours not the way forward, he says INTERVIEW: Replacing the management structure ...
HSJ Local
Former franchise trust to exit special measures
Hospital run for three years by private company taken out of special measures after it was handed back to full NHS control last year CQC rates Hinchingbrooke Health Care Trust good overall Emergency department rated requires improvement PERFORMANCE: The district general hospital run for three years by a ...
HSJ Knowledge
Roundtable: How much money is enough?
What are the biggest challenges in making the funding settlement work? This was the question tackled by our expert panel in a recent roundtable debate. Report by Alison Moore
HSJ Local
Merger trust predicts it needs £650m bailout
Peterborough and Stamford Hospitals trying to secure £25m a year support package to help finance PFI deal Trust estimates it needs £650m of central financial support up until 2042 Received £20.8m of central support in 2016-17 but still forecasts a £20.2m deficit FINANCE: Peterborough and Stamford Hospitals Foundation ...
HSJ Local
Hinchingbrooke and Peterborough to draw up 2017 merger plan
Cambridgeshire trusts confirm they will draw up full business case to merge by next April Full business case will be considered by both boards in September The move follows outline business case in May STRUCTURE: Peterborough and Stamford Hospitals Foundation Trust and Hinchingbrooke Health Care Trust have confirmed ...
HSJ Local
Former King’s chief to head up Cambridge AHSC
Cambridge University Health Partners has appointed Malcolm Lowe-Lauri executive director The former King’s College Hospital Foundation Trust CEO will join on 1 August Mr Lowe-Lauri is currently working for KPMG is Australia Cambridge’s academic health science centre has appointed a former chief executive of King’s College Hospital Foundation ...