All Pharma articles – Page 15

  • Pills

    'Transformational' drugs to get fast tracked to NHS


    Accelerated access review will recommend small number of “transformational” drugs and devices fast tracked into NHS each year Richard Barker says arrival of new products needed to be “wired into the NHS budgeting process” Simon Stevens says pharmaceutical price regulation scheme, NICE appraisals and NHS England commissioning not “interacting ...

  • pharmacy

    'Meltdown' of £330m outsource contract disrupts primary care


    £330m primary care support services contract relied on major cost reductions NHS England outsourced primary care support to Capita last summer GPs, pharmacists and optometrists complain about new centralised services Practices unpaid, vital stationary and medical equipment not being delivered Vital primary care support services are in “meltdown” ...

  • Gordon miles

    NHS channel management strategy needs some resuscitation


    Gordon Miles on how some of the urgent care plans proposed by NHS agencies have been tried elsewhere and failed

  • Royal Courts of Justice

    NHS England faces court battle in drug discrimination claim


    NHS England is accused of discriminating against teenager with narcolepsy Hundreds of patients already receive NHS funding for the drug sodium oxybate Department of Health also using public money to fund private prescriptions NHS England will appear at the High Court on Wednesday accused of discriminating against a ...

  • Drugs

    NHS England reveals how it will prioritise new specialised treatments


    NHS England outlines detailed methodology for choosing which specialised treatments to fund Methodology has been in development for 18 months after previous approach dropped because of fear of legal challenge National body accused of giving itself “wiggle room” to help it get grip of specialised commissioning costs NHS ...

  • pharma

    Exclusive: Rise in drug imports reduces pharma industry money to NHS


    Treasury forced to inject £205m into DH last year after overestimate of PPRS payment Weakening pound because of Brexit uncertainty could increase money going to NHS Pharmaceutical industry claims rebate was also lower because NHS is benefiting from direct discounts An increase in drug imports from Europe was ...

  • Deficit

    Exclusive: NHS England puts provider rescue plan at risk, teaching hospitals warn


    Providers warn changes to CQUIN payments will hamper attempts to bring sector into balance Teaching trusts say new CQUINs and agreed control totals for 2016-17 are incompatible NHS England rejects the accusations and says the changes are appropriate and achievable Angry teaching hospitals have warned that new conditions ...

  • Woman's hands writing out a prescription
    HSJ Local

    CCG’s drug ordering scheme will save ‘£8m a year’


    Coventry and Rugby CCG’s “prescription ordering direct” pilot will save £8m a year, it says NHS Business Services Authority interested in scheme’s cost saving potential Similar scheme adopted by Sheffield CCG and talks underway in Dudley FINANCE: Leaders of a West Midlands clinical commissioning group have estimated that ...

  • Pills

    NHS England rollout of ground-breaking drugs 'changes role of NICE'


    NHS England to roll out new treatments to 10,000 patients in 2016-17 through “operational delivery networks” Hepatitis C groups claim capping treatments is “rationing” and changes the role of NICE Concerns raised that NHS England approach will increase health inequality and long term costs NHS England’s plans for ...

  • pills

    Medicines management 'rationalised' to cut pharma influence


    NHS England plan to create four regional medicines management committees to ‘rationalise’ evaluation and industry’s influence on buying decisions Agency promises more robust measures to force CCGs to disclose gifts and hospitality given to all their staff NHS England is to create four regional committees to “rationalise” medicines ...

  • Celia moore
    HSJ Knowledge

    Roundtable: How to avoid getting burnt by the Sunshine Rule


    HSJ’s roundtable explored the potential benefits and risks of the proposed ‘Sunshine Rule’

  • Jim McManus, director of public health, Hertfordshire CC

    The NHS has shunted HIV costs on to councils


    Jim McManus says the decision over HIV prevention funding has serious implications for other costs

  • Nick Timmins

    How NICE has been a 'terrible beauty'


    The National Institute for Health and Care Exellence has been doing the balancing act despite sticking to its cost effective agenda, Nick Timmins writes

  • Doctor prescribing
    HSJ Local

    CCGs mull 'ban' on third party drug ordering


    Clinical commissioning groups in south Staffordshire are considering a clampdown on community pharmacies ordering prescriptions on behalf of their patients, following a spike in spending on prescription items.

  • Drugs

    Pharma firms to cover overspends on new cancer drugs fund


    Cancer drugs fund will be a “managed access” fund from July Under new scheme money due for drugs will be set aside and retained by NHS England if CDF budget is overspent Pharmaceutical firms and cancer charity criticise changes NHS England has confirmed that its new Cancer Drugs ...

  • Pathology

    Tell trusts whether to outsource this year, says Carter


    Lord Carter recommends trusts determine whether their in-house departments are viable this year Urges NHS Improvement to develop benchmarks for admin costs, pharmacy and pathology Methodology used for review has been criticised Trusts should find out this year whether they will be forced to outsource their administration, pathology ...

  • A workshop or meeting room with flip chart and people in suits
    HSJ Local

    Pharma companies banned from sponsoring CCG's events


    South Warwickshire CCG leaders will no longer allow drug companies to sponsor its events Change driven by recent media reports and staff concerns that pharma representatives at events had “little benefit” COMMERCIAL: Pharmaceutical companies will no longer be allowed to sponsor events organised by South Warwickshire Clinical Commissioning ...

  • pharmacy

    Efficiency review will point to pharmacy consolidation


    Lord Carter believes that £850m-£1.4bn can be saved in pharmacy and medicines management by 2020 Report is expected to recommend trusts review operations for buying, producing and supplying medicines, and consider outsourcing All hospitals will need to adopt electronic prescribing and medicines management systems Lord Carter’s review of ...

  • HSJ/LGC Pharmacy supplement cover

    £3bn savings can be made by 2020, hospitals agree


    Carter report will restate that £5bn efficiency savings can be achieved by acute sector by 2020 Hospital trusts so far accept they can make £3bn savings in that timescale Reducing delayed transfers of care and service reconfiguration key to unlocking savings, draft report says Hospital trusts have accepted ...

  • Narinder Kapur

    Words: mightier than swords and deadly when misused in labels


    Mislabelling can cost lives so it’s high time we made improvements that can prevent it