All Planning guidance articles – Page 3
Cowper’s Cut: The PM’s hymn to greed marks an unhappy anniversary week
Andy Cowper shares his insights on the hot topics of the past week.
HSJ podcast: Why this year’s NHS marching orders are so different
The NHS has been given its planning guidance for the first half of this year – and it strikes a markedly different tone to previous years. But what else would you expect from 2021?
CCGs to be absorbed into integrated care systems by autumn, says NHSE
Most clinical commissioning group teams at ‘sub-ICS level’ should not be operating by October, as they are effectively subsumed by integrated care systems, new NHS England guidance says.
Private providers fear unfair treatment under new NHS financial regime
Private providers have warned they face unfair treatment under new financial rules unless the NHS distributes additional funding for covid in an ‘equitable and transparent’ way.
NHS England pushes for more private capacity and cancels planning round
NHS England has told local leaders to outline plans to use up to 100 per cent of their private sector capacity from next week.
Expert Briefing
Passing the buck on spec com
Insider tales and must-read analysis on how integration is reshaping health and care systems, NHS providers, primary care, and commissioning. This week by integration senior correspondent, Sharon Brennan
Select group of trusts to pilot Hancock’s new tech scheme
A small number of trusts will pilot Matt Hancock’s new plan for improving technology in the NHS, HSJ has learned.
‘System by default’ – how to make a good idea a reality
Implementing the new ‘system by default’ approach to running and organising the NHS must be delivered through incremental change that identifies what is needed and what will work, not through central diktat. Writes Nick Ville.
Expert Briefing
Speed over safety
Insider tales and must-read analysis on how integration is reshaping health and care systems, NHS providers, primary care, and commissioning. This week by integration senior correspondent, Sharon Brennan.
New targets set to be phased in from April, says NHSE
The NHS can expect a phased implementation of new operational targets from April — instead of a full switchover on day one — NHS England’s number two has said.
ICSs must move beyond ‘transformation’, says Pritchard
Integrated care systems cannot focus purely on transformation, and will gradually move to taking on performance management jobs from NHS England and Improvement, the regulators’ number two has said.
Community health staff deserve their promised pay rise
Local authorities must receive significant increases in the public health grant so that community health providers can pay their staff adequately says Andrew Ridley
Revealed: The CCG map after new wave of mergers
Our map reveals the new shape of the clinical commissioning group landscape following a wave of 74 mergers confirmed for April this year.
CCGs must visit out of area patients every two months
Commissioners must carry out regular visits to patients with learning disabilities or autism who are place in out of area hospitals, NHS England has said.
Expert Briefing
Performance Watch: Major cultural shift needed to address long stay patient struggles
Welcome to HSJ’s Performance Watch expert briefing, our fortnightly newsletter on the most pressing performance matters troubling system leaders. Contact me in confidence here.
The NHS needs to talk about productivity
The NHS needs to engage with local industrial strategies to boost booth health and economic sustainability says Michael Wood
Expert Briefing
The Integrator: Cancer and STPs — 'If you work it out, let me know'
Insider tales and must-read analysis on how integration is reshaping health and care systems, NHS providers, primary care, and commissioning. This week by commissioning correspondent, Sharon Brennan.
Welcome first steps to recovery but long road ahead
Chris Hopson discusses the recently released 2019-20 planning guidance, which aims to help providers start recovering their financial performance
New fines for leaving patients waiting more than a year
NHS providers and commissioners will both face fines for each patient waiting more than a year for treatment, according to new plans.
Cowper’s Cut: That warm feeling down your back? It’s not rain
Andy Cowper discusses the government’s recently released Brexit operational readiness guidance for the health and care system in England