All Podcast articles – Page 10

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    HSJ podcast: Hospitals are still neglecting mental health


    Acute hospitals are still not taking mental health patients seriously enough, argues HSJ’s Rebecca Thomas in this week’s Health Check podcast. We also get an update on covid pressures on the health system. 

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    HSJ podcast: The North reaches boiling point


    On the podcast this week, we try to get to the bottom of this week’s political furore in the North West, the confusion that ensued and the impact the continued rise in covid admissions could have on normal NHS work. We also discover quite how long it takes to heat ...

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    HSJ podcast: The NHS was not prepared for covid’s second wave


    As covid wave two crashes on to the North of England, HSJ Health Check discusses the last minute scrambles in the NHS to deal with admissions, try to protect elective care, and provide mass testing for staff.

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    HSJ podcast: Has covid changed the NHS forever?


    To mark one year of the HSJ Health Check podcast we’re joined by special guest Nigel Edwards, chief executive of the Nuffield Trust, who shares his expert insight on the biggest operational, cultural and strategic changes the NHS has gone through during the pandemic. 

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    HSJ podcast: Simon Says


    This week the team delves into an exclusive HSJ summit interview with NHS chief executive Simon Stevens and weighs up the trade-offs the health service might need to make as covid cases rise, why legislation is still expected next year and why no comment on NHS finances could be significant. ...

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    HSJ podcast: What a second wave means for NHS staff


    The pressure is rising again on the health service but keeping it running smoothly this winter will rely on its workforce. This week the HSJ Health Check podcast focuses on some of the biggest issues facing NHS staff right now.

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    HSJ podcast: A good old-fashioned NHS finance row


    Payment by results is being swept away in favour of system funding and block payments — making some hospital chiefs very unhappy indeed. Meanwhile, is the government giving the NHS the money it needs to get through the pandemic? This week’s HSJ Health Check explores.

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    HSJ podcast: Is the government sacrificing cancer recovery in favour of Operation Moonshot?


    This week on the podcast the HSJ team discuss government plans to invest a reported £100bn to expand covid testing, amid thousands of people being denied potentially life-saving cancer screening during the pandemic’s peak - according to new statistics. We ask: Could the £100bn be better spent working through the ...

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    HSJ podcast: Five great ‘known unknowns’ facing the NHS this autumn


    Autumn will bring pivotal funding decisions in the comprehensive spending review, while the NHS battles to “lock in” covid reforms, seek “near normal” capacity, and anticipate a surge in mental health demand. It must also brace itself for whatever coronavirus will bring next.

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    HSJ podcast: Has covid changed hospital inspections forever?


    The Care Quality Commission’s chief executive has said inspections will no longer be “big, disruptive events” - HSJ’s podcast discusses how covid has changed how the regulator operates for better or worse. 

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    HSJ podcast: Did PHE deserve to die?


    In the week following Matt Hancock’s announcement of the abolition of Public Health England, HSJ Health Check examines the implication for the staff and functions of the important agency

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    HSJ podcast: Why the mistake in the People Plan matters


    The NHS People Plan included an ‘unacceptable’ mistake about LGBTQ+ people, fuelling debate about diversity and inclusion in the NHS, and its workforce culture and policy. HSJ Health Check covers the latest developments.

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    HSJ podcast: Prepare for a winter of discontent


    National guidance for the remainder of 2020-21 reveals NHS rows with councils over care funding will be back this winter, and sets a series of unattainable targets for resuming planned care. HSJ Health Check this week explains why. 

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    HSJ podcast: Hancock’s vision for health and care after covid


    Matt Hancock set out his post covid vision for health and care in a wide-ranging speech this week – HSJ’s podcast dissects key themes including staffing, emergency care, digital, system working and social care.

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    HSJ podcast: The unfolding scandal at East Kent


    Recovery is the buzzword as the NHS tries to drag itself out of the deep hole dug by covid-19. This week’s HSJ Health Check is a deep dive into plans for recovery in three different regions.

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    HSJ podcast: A tale of three regions’ recovery


    Recovery is the buzzword as the NHS tries to drag itself out of the deep hole dug by covid-19. This week’s HSJ Health Check is a deep dive into plans for recovery in three different regions.

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    HSJ podcast: Why the Cumberlege review is being buried


    A government-commissioned review — into why mesh implants and other treatments were allowed to harm hundreds of women — said the failings were “caused and compounded by failings in the health system itself”. This week’s HSJ Health Check podcast considers why it is being buried by government. 

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    HSJ podcast: How covid turned NHS finances on their head


    Finance became a dirty word in the NHS as it went into covid crisis mode, but reality is slowly returning. HSJ Health Check looks at the financial landscape now faced by the NHS.

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    HSJ podcast: Running the health service under covid


    This week’s HSJ podcast reveals the dilemmas facing those running and working in the NHS as it tries to operate while keeping covid-19 outbreaks under control. 

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    HSJ podcast: ICS' role in the covid recovery


    The week’s podcast explores whether system integration will become central to how the NHS recovers and resets after covid.