All Policy articles – Page 188
Treasury U-turn on PFI takes pressure off DH capital budget
A Treasury U-turn over accounting rules for hospitals built under the private finance initiative has given the Department of Health’s capital budget a reprieve.
David Nicholson warns NHS: 'all bets are off'
David Nicholson has told HSJ “all bets are off”, as the health service prepares itself now for impending spending cuts.
Whistleblowing doctors in the dark over safety fears, says BMA
Nearly half of hospital doctors who reported a patient safety, malpractice or bullying concern to trust managers were left in the dark about whether anything had happened as a result, a British Medical Association survey has found.
Helen Bevan on the pitfalls of NHS cost reduction
I have just returned from an international improvement forum, involving healthcare leaders from 67 countries. Everyone was talking about the economic challenges ahead.
Andrew Lansley attacks Alan Johnson
Shadow health secretary Andrew Lansley attacked Alan Johnson in a speech to the Royal Society for Arts yesterday, accusing him of neglecting his responsibilities as health secretary.
Trusts in the dark over cost of private patients
How much should NHS hospitals be charging to make a profit on private care? With foundation trusts’ income cap up for debate, Sally Gainsbury looks into costs, calculations and rates of return
Potential bidders circle as first NHS trust goes up for grabs
Twenty-two NHS organisations, including one based 200 miles away, are vying to take over the first trust offered up for competitive takeover.
Takeover is a test-run for nervous bidders
The NHS has entered the world of competitive trust takeovers. In the first process of its kind, NHS East of England has invited bids to takeover Bedfordshire and Luton Mental Health and Social Care Partnership trust, after its chair and non-executive directors resigned in February. This act of governance harakiri ...
Trainee NHS doctors being told to lie about long working hours
NHS staff are being encouraged to lie about their hours to make trusts appear to be compliant with the European working time directive, according to figures seen exclusively by HSJ.
Competition panel looks at NHS provider shift
The co-operation and competition panel is to investigate plans to transfer a primary care trust provider arm’s services to a foundation trust.
HSJ Knowledge
Commissioner-provider divide
Primary care trusts are facing some critical issues over the integrity of local services as they separate their commissioner and provider functions.
HSJ Knowledge
Carbon reduction
Increasing hospital efficiencies is a pressing issue for trusts. In 2008, the Government passed the Climate Change Act, which aims to achieve an 80 per cent cut in CO2 emissions from 1990 levels by 2050.
HSJ Knowledge
Workforce planning
Planning the healthcare workforce has traditionally centred on ensuring that the correct numbers of each type of specialty professional are trained and employed in order to deliver a defined area of service.
HSJ Knowledge
Customer care
April 1 saw the introduction of a new unified system for complaints about health and social care. The new system is designed to be more streamlined and complainant focused with an emphasis on local resolution.
HSJ Knowledge
Equal pay
Any trust involved in the NHS equal pay litigation will need to act with far greater haste if they want to avoid costly appeal hearings.
Hospitals to seek 'immediate feedback' from patients
The Department of Health has published guidance on how trusts can collect “immediate feedback” from patients.
David Nicholson sticks by NHS quality cash claims
NHS chief executive David Nicholson has defended plans to save significant amounts of money by improving quality in the wake of criticism from patient safety experts.
East of England calls in heart czar to quell public outcry
Commissioners in the East of England have called in heart disease czar Roger Boyle following a public outcry over changes to services for people suffering severe heart attacks.
A third of NHS hospitals could miss EWTD deadline
Up to 28 per cent of hospital rotas risk missing August’s deadline for complying with the European working time directive, strategic health authorities are predicting.
Role of competition panel under review
The Department of Health will carry out a “major review” of its principles of co-operation and competition in the summer.