All Policy articles – Page 206

  • News

    Organ donor reforms speed delivery of gift of life


    Organ transplant services say they have had to succeed in spite of the structures around them. Under bold new plans local managers will play a pivotal role in increasing donations. Stuart Shepherd reports

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Clare Chapman: happiness is a warm NHS workplace


    The NHS has loyal staff and their development must rank high among employers' own local commitments, says the Department of Health's director general of workforce

  • News

    PCTs to share £3m to tackle alcohol misuse


    The Department of Health has announced which 20 primary care trusts in the most deprived areas will receive a share of a £3m pot to tackle alcohol misuse.

  • News

    North East Ambulance Service reform plans 'can go ahead'


    The Independent Reconfiguration Panel has thrown out an attempt by Tees Valley councillors to halt plans to reform the North East Ambulance Service.

  • News

    NHS managers support top-up payments, HSJ poll reveals


    NHS managers support the decision to allow top-up payments but believe it will make the NHS less equal and doubt it will work as a long-term solution.

  • Comment

    Charles Kaye and Michael Howlett on mental health in the slow lane


    A number of high-profile news items about mental health have hit the headlines recently.

  • News

    NHS top-up review results announced


    Primary care trusts will be expected to collaborate on commissioning decisions as a result of national clinical director for cancer Mike Richards' reforms to rules on topping up NHS care.

  • News

    NHS top-ups policy to be unveiled today


    Health secretary Alan Johnson is set to unveil the government's new policy on NHS top-ups and co-payments later today.The expected announcement to MPs follows a wide-ranging review of the issue conducted by national clinical director for cancer Mike Richards.

  • Comment

    Achieving 18 weeks: engaging with NHS managers and clinicians


    As the NHS hits the government's 18-week referral to treatment target early, national implementation director Philippa Robinson, a trained nurse, explains the important role clinical leadership has played in the achievement

  • News

    NHS Direct shelves foundation trust plans


    NHS Direct has put its plans to become a foundation trust on ice. The decision follows government reluctance to free the national service from central control.The Department of Health feels it needs to be able to call on NHS Direct as an emergency hotline in the event of a terrorist ...

  • News

    Conservatives promise to speed up drug access


    The Conservative Party has announced plans for changes to drug access and the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence.

  • Comment

    Hilary Thomas on NHS top-ups


    I approach the subject of NHS top-ups with some trepidation. The issue is complex and there are no easy answers. Considering it from the cancer perspective, I will attempt to throw light into some dark corners of the debate.

  • News

    Latest NHS waiting times figures released


    The Department of Health has released inpatient and outpatient waiting times figures for England for September.

  • Angela Greatley

    Angela Greatley on the Mental Health Act


    From 3 November, most parts of the long-awaited and often feared 2007 Mental Health Act will be implemented. For the NHS, the new act presents major challenges by extending the scope of compulsory powers and by creating some new safeguards for those subject to them.

  • Comment

    Michael White on pharmaceutical price regulation


    I am indebted to Fred Curzon, 7th Earl Howe and veteran Tory health spokesman in the Lords, for a little gem of a debate in the upper house the other evening. It was doubtless neglected because of the Yachtgate affair in Corfu and relative trivia like the global financial collapse.

  • News

    Low NHS waiting times masking wide variation in performance


    The NHS has achieved historically low hospital waiting times but faces a battle to ensure the 18 week target is hit in every area by December.

  • News

    Yorkshire SHA takes lead on quality pledge


    NHS Yorkshire and the Humber is to set up a 'quality foundation', which it claims will go one step further than the regional quality observatories recommended by Lord Darzi.

  • Comment

    Media Watch: healthcare reviews


    Unlike certain colleagues, health secretary Alan Johnson has never been invited onto a billionaire's gin palace. 'Trawlers occasionally, but never yachts,' he told The Daily Telegraph.

  • News

    Health inequalities: wealthiest overfunded as the poor lose out


    NHS services in the poorest and most needy parts of the country are being systematically underfunded to the benefit of the healthiest and wealthiest.Analysis by HSJ of the budgets allocated to GPs to pay for drugs and hospital care for their patients show that the wealthiest tenth of the population ...

  • Comment

    Your Humble Servant on foundation trusts


    To: Don Wise, chief executiveFrom: Paul Servant, assistant chief executiveRe: Money, Money, Monitor