All Policy articles – Page 209

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Healthcare funding: is there enough to go round?


    As new treatments and an ageing population put ever more pressure on health systems across the world, future governments will have to rethink the way that they are funded.

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    Stephen Eames on managing by fear


    Up here in the North East the community is still reeling from the collapse of Northern Rock and is now watching with horror the ongoing farcical spectacle that is Newcastle United Football Club.

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    Michael White on the financial crisis


    The deepening financial crisis is changing how we look at everything now. For instance, aren't NHS finance directors glad they didn't have surpluses to invest unwisely during the years when Patricia Hewitt's stiletto was on their necks?

  • Leader

    Good times set to end as health pays price for squirrelling cash


    The credit crunch is heading your way. While the government has so far rejected the idea of revisiting its health spending plans up to 2011, there are numerous other ways it can get its hands on trust cash.

  • News

    City shockwaves threaten NHS budget


    Economists are warning this week's£38bn rescue plan for UK banks creates a "structural hole" in public finances that will make NHS funding cuts and claw-backs inevitable.The government has insisted the bank bail-out will not affect public finances. A senior Treasury source said there were no plans to revisit the commitments ...

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    Media Watch: binge drinking


    Unlike so much else in the past seven days, the value of a drink is on the way up. The Department of Health's next attempt to reduce binge drinking will include curbs on free samples and happy hours, according to press reports.

  • News

    Trusts expect tight pinch from 2010


    Real terms cuts expected to payment by results tariffTough road ahead for aspirant foundationsQuery over future of capital investmentStaff costs may fall in real terms

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    NHS spending - what does the future hold?


    As the economic picture worsens, Carl Emmerson and Gemma Tetlow examine the possible implications for the NHS budget

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    Ciaran Devane on surviving cancer


    The latest buzzword in cancer care is 'survivorship' - a word that has caused a bit of controversy since it was first used in the cancer reform strategy to describe the rapidly growing number of people living with or beyond cancer.

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    David Allen on letting the public shape the NHS


    The government has published another NHS white paper in which politicians tell the public what sort of health service we must receive. It is time this changed.

  • News

    NHS Employers calls for 2 per cent pay rises


    NHS Employers has called for pay rises in 2009 for NHS doctors and dentists to be limited to 2 per cent.In evidence to the doctors' and dentists' review body, it argues a balance has to be struck between fairness to staff and affordability.

  • News

    DH survey reveals slow progress on patient choice


    Results from the Department of Health's patient choice survey have revealed slow progress in increasing choice.The proportion of patients who recalled being offered a choice of hospital for their first outpatient appointment was 45 per cent in May, down from 47 per cent in March but up from 30 per ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Publishing death rates: no dead certainties?


    There has been a degree of disquiet about publishing mortality rates. Supporters hoped this would lead to greater transparency, quality and patient choice - but has reality matched expectations? Daloni Carlisle reports

  • Comment

    Michael White on the NHS and political miscalculations


    With the global banking network near meltdown, we're all on a sharp learning curve. So here's a tip for David Cameron: don't use the distress of NHS patients such as the late Elizabeth Woods to make party-political points.

  • News

    NHS could be sued under free market


    Plans to create a European Union free market in public healthcare could open the health service to legal challenges from patients demanding treatments that are not available in the UK.

  • News

    Political fear frustrates local socialism


    It is clear from discussions at the Labour Party conference that ministers are not willing to commit in any meaningful way to accountability to patients and the public. They feel that patient and public involvement will result in a postcode lottery followed by assassination by the press.

  • Leader

    Edwina Hart's new system has a whiff of Stalinism


    Just as the government’s fingers are finally being prised off the throat of the NHS in England, Welsh health minister Edwina Hart has put her own service in a stranglehold.

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    Jon Restell on party conferences


    The party conference season heralds the least productive element of my job. Attending them means - roughly - receptions, speaking at fringes, talking to anyone who will listen and eating too much and too richly.

  • News

    Edwina Hart takes charge in Wales


    Under plans announced last week, Welsh health minister Edwina Hart is to take direct control of the country's NHS. Dave West asks if a politician can be trusted with such a sensitive job

  • News

    PCTs call for continuing care help


    Strategic health authorities are having to rescue primary care trusts flooded with 'continuing care' cases, a year after the government made it easier for service users to claim NHS funding.