All Policy articles – Page 210

  • HSJ Knowledge

    GMC must nip rotten medics in the bud


    The General Medical Council has stood for high professionalism for 150 years but exposures of malpractice suggest it must push on with its modernisation to regain public and professional confidence

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    Phil Hope gets beefed-up DH social care portfolio


    The profile of social care has been given a potential boost with the appointment of Phil Hope as a minister of state for care services in the Department of Health.

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    Andrew Lansley points finger at ministers over patient safety


    Too much blame is being placed on trust boards for patient safety incidents, due to the erosion of parliamentary accountability, according to the shadow health secretary.

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    Foundation trusts get £300m in a year-end spending rush


    Foundation trusts were handed up to £300m in advance payments by primary care trusts towards the end of the last financial year, HSJ has been told. The prepayments were made as some primary care trusts struggled to keep 2007-08 surpluses below 'control totals' set by the Department of Health.

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    Mark Johnson on what Darzi means for NHS innovation


    Lord Darzi's review puts quality at the heart of the NHS. This vision can only be achieved through new forms of partnership working between the public, private and third sectors.

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    Virginia Beardshaw on children's speech and language services


    Child health has always been a minority interest in the NHS. And few managers have moved up the career ladder on the strength of their achievements in the niche field of children's speech and language.

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    Smoking costs NHS £50m a week


    Smoking costs the NHS £2.7bn a year or £50m a week, despite a drop in the number of smokers, according to a report by Action on Smoking and Health, Cancer Research UK and the British Heart Foundation.

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    Department of Health publishes mortality statistics


    Statistics outlining progress on reducing overall mortality rates from cancer, circulatory disease, suicide and undetermined injury and accidents have been published.

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    Clinical leadership in out of hours services


    The Department of Health has signalled that it may allow practice-based commissioning consortiums to take over commissioning out of hours services. Rick Stern explains why this would be good for patients and budgets

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    Phil Hope replaces Ivan Lewis at DH


    Phil Hope has been appointed as a minister in the Department of Health, replacing Ivan Lewis.Mr Hope takes over the social care portfolio. The department is in the middle of an emotive debate on the future shape of care and support, intended to precede a green paper on reform of ...

  • News

    Phil Hope takes over social care brief at DH


    Phil Hope has been appointed as a minister in the Department of Health, replacing Ivan Lewis.Mr Hope takes over the social care portfolio. The department is in the middle of an emotive debate on the future shape of care and support, intended to precede a green paper on reform of ...

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    Linda Havard on changing the face of NHS leadership


    Lord Darzi's next stage review talks about increasing clinical leadership in the NHS. By encouraging leaders to be practitioners, partners and leaders, he hopes to drive through the quality agenda.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS infection control: a clean bill of health


    Last October Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells trust was the subject of sensational headlines over deadly superbug outbreaks. A year on, under a new chief executive, it is being transformed from ward to board

  • News

    Appointments Commission welcomes new board members


    Health secretary Alan Johnson has made three appointments to the board of the Appointments Commission.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS co-payments: the debate in focus


    As the debate over NHS top-ups rages on, there is a real possibility that no workable solution will emerge. Corinne Slingo and Ian Cooper explain the legal background

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    Tories: Labour using NHS money for votes


    The government is 'manipulating' the NHS funding allocation formula to 'shore up' votes in areas loyal to Labour, the Conservatives have claimed.

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    It takes resources to tackle health inequalities


    As primary care trust chief executives in the Core Cities group - England's eight largest cities outside London - we would like to reply to your article on resource allocation.

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    Simon Stevens on health policy trends


    Rather than attend this year's party conferences, I decided instead to take the temperature on US health reform at the two presidential nominating conventions.

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    Michael White on Conservative healthcare policy


    On the conference circuit this autumn I've been conscious of being generous in my remarks about the prospect of a Conservative government in regard to its policies on the NHS.

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    Welsh health minister Edwina Hart moves centre stage


    Welsh health minister Edwina Hart has axed the internal market and put herself centre stage in a wholesale reform of the country's NHS.