All Policy articles – Page 213

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    Hilary Thomas on caring for the whole patient


    My 75-year-old father has recently had a coronary angiogram and been referred for bypass graft surgery. When I was a cardiology senior house officer in the Jurassic period, he would never have been referred for such surgery at this age.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    HIV services: caring for older patients


    As people with HIV/AIDS live longer, services must adapt to meet the needs of more patients and the first generation of HIV-positive pensioners. Emma Dent reports

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    Paul Dutton on failing NHS foundation trusts


    The Department of Health this month issued a consultation paper that rules out insolvency for hospital trusts that are failing financially, a move that risks undermining the original concept of what foundation trusts were meant to be and achieve.

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    Top-up payments are a lottery


    I would like to thank HSJ for its coverage on top-up payments. The final decision will have huge implications for the health service. If top-ups were allowed, this would enable patients who can afford it to get rapid access to interventions that would not be normally available to all in ...

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    Mental health lacks national vision


    Mental health plans arising from the next stage review lack ambition and risk being 'lost' as the service focuses on other sectors, managers are warning.

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    Media Watch: NHS in the headlines


    Headlines have been lent an oddly cinematic quality this week. In the horror category, Gordon Brown faced the 'revenge of the Blair Babes', according to The People. The Observer moved into gangster territory, imploring the prime minister to 'call off your mafioso aides'.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Giving up smoking is hard to do


    How can stop smoking services attract people from ethnic minorities? NICE guidance may offer the answer, writes Rosie Cameron

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    Learning disability housing plans at risk


    The pledge to shut all 'outmoded' NHS homes for adults with learning disabilities by 2010 is at risk, HSJ has learnt. Poor quality local proposals have been blamed for slow progress on the commitment.

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    Lib Dems unveil plan to slash NHS managers' pay


    Senior health managers should be forced to reapply for jobs and take pay cuts as part of a public sector cost-cutting drive, the Liberal Democrats proposed at their annual conference in Bournemouth this week.

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    Michael White on the Liberal Democrats' conference


    Apart from Norman Lamb's platform speech and a short midweek debate on the urgent needs of mental health, the health service wasn't very prominent on the Liberal Democrats' conference agenda in Bournemouth.

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    Prescription drug marketing comes under debate


    Organisations representing patients, medical professionals and consumers are calling on the European Commission to rethink proposals to allow drug companies to provide information direct to consumers.

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    Sophia Christie on management lessons from literature


    While the 1980s saw an explosion of books promising 'the management secrets of...', War and Peace seems to have been sadly neglected. But Tolstoy's commentary is instructive in the context of current discussions about the next stage review.

  • Leader

    Lib Dems take a cheap shot at managers


    Any public sector manager thinking of voting for the Liberal Democrats at the next election might wish to reconsider after the ill-judged rant by Treasury spokesman Vince Cable at the party conference.

  • Leader

    NHS centralism is in the small print


    Buried within the 59 pages of brittle-dry prose of an ‘impact assessment’ on the failure regime for foundering trusts are extraordinary assumptions by the Department of Health about how many providers will go to the wall.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Stop-smoking case studies: quitters can win


    Now the most motivated ex-smokers have stubbed out their last cigarette, Ingrid Torjesen finds out how services are reaching out to the less enthusiastic would-be quitters

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    Lord Carter to head up NHS competition panel


    Lord Carter of Coles is to be the first chair and director of the NHS Co-operation and Competition Panel.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    And the smoking ban played on


    One year on Ann Shuttleworth considers the effects of the smoking bans in England and Scotland and other efforts to make people quit

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    Andrew Lansley backs value-based drug pricing


    Pharmaceutical companies should be paid according to the benefits that their drugs bring to patients, shadow health secretary Andrew Lansley has said.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Prison healthcare: community spirit and honour among thieves


    A study of prison healthcare has uncovered inmates giving routine care to others who are elderly, vulnerable or ill. It is time this was formally recognised.

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    NHS managers lack faith in all three parties


    An exclusive poll for HSJ reveals the extent of dissatisfaction in the health service with the three main parties' policies.