All Policy articles – Page 214

  • News

    NHS failure regime: up to 92 trusts may be culled


    The Department of Health expects to cull up to six hospital trusts a year under its new failure regime, figures in its impact assessment reveal.The document shows the DH expects to save £200m a year under the plans, which are out for consultation. It focuses on six trusts affected by ...

  • News

    Patient information consultation begins


    Connecting for Health has launched a consultation on the use of patient information. It wants the public and health professionals to give their views on the use of patient information for purposes such as health research and managing and planning care.

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    Shortfall in care home funding


    An extra £540m is needed to pay for residential care for older people, research by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation predicts.

  • News

    Cancer patients cannot afford prescriptions


    A third of cancer patients do not take their prescribed medicines because they cannot afford the prescription charge. Many do not know that buying prescription prepayment certificates would help with the cost.A survey by Macmillan Cancer Support found that 41 per cent of cancer patients did not know about how ...

  • Comment

    Quint Studer on effective NHS leadership


    Lord Darzi's bold recommendations for the NHS on its 60th anniversary have caused quite a stir in the UK and created many challenges for NHS leaders.Some of the goals set forth in the review are ambitious, but they are not insurmountable.

  • News

    NHS non-executives: what does it take to succeed?


    Mike Hay examines the skills, knowledge, behaviours and approach that successful non-executive directors need

  • Comment

    Mike Hobbs on mental health discrimination


    People with mental illness are subject to prejudice in our society. Although attitudes to people with anxiety and depression have improved, attitudes towards people with serious mental illnesses such as schizophrenia have worsened.

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    Lyn Whitfield on personal medical data


    Did anyone else feel a twinge of unease about the NHS's 60th anniversary celebrations? I couldn't help thinking they were very backward looking; all those 1940s-style logos and pictures of nurses holding babies in knitted cardigans.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Frank Burns on the health informatics review


    I've been writing this column now for two years or so and I fear this might be my last piece - not because I want to give up this marvellous platform to peddle my personal passion for clinical IT, but because I'm beginning to wonder if my difficulties in understanding ...

  • Comment

    Alan Maynard on managing the NHS market


    The Darzi reforms, like dozens of ‘definitive’ reports and structural ‘redisorganisations’ over the 60 years of the health service, are experiments that may imperil or improve the lot of patients and taxpayers.

  • News

    Top-ups should be allowed, says King's Fund chief


    The NHS should not deny treatment to patients who pay privately for unapproved drugs, King's Fund chief executive Niall Dickson has said.He told a seminar yesterday: 'The current practice on top-ups, which prohibits people from privately purchasing drugs not available on the health service while continuing a course of NHS ...

  • News

    BMA supports cross-border healthcare


    The British Medical Association is calling for minimum quality standards for healthcare in Europe, overseen by the European Commission.

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    High Court decision on cancer drug


    The High Court has overturned a primary care trust's refusal to fund cancer drug Revlimid for a cancer suffer with only months to live.

  • News

    DH publishes plans for failing NHS trusts


    The Department of Health has published its proposals for managing failing NHS hospitals and trusts.

  • News

    Chair of NHS co-operation and competition panel named


    The first chair and director of the NHS co-operation and competition panel will be Lord Carter of Coles. He will take up the post in October.

  • News

    Top-up status quo not an option - Mike Richards


    National clinical director for cancer Mike Richards has hinted that his review of top-up payments will result in a definite policy shift.

  • News

    NHS inequalities row is shrouded in secrecy


    The question of whether poor urban areas should continue to get the most funding is about fundamental NHS principles - so why is it being discussed behind closed doors? Sally Gainsbury reports

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    London's first polyclinic locations are unveiled


    Healthcare for London has revealed the locations of the capital's first five polyclinics.

  • Comment

    Michael White on economic populism


    Off the Calais ferry and straight back into the political melee this week, I certainly didn't feel the quiet August break had done much for Gordon Brown's government's prospects of recovery.

  • News

    Nick Clegg rejects NHS insurance plans


    Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg has chosen the launch of a report calling for primary care trusts to be replaced by a health insurance style system to flesh out policies on healthcare reform.