All Policy articles – Page 215

  • News

    Foundation trusts may fight private patient income cap


    Foundation trusts could challenge the cap on earnings from private patients under EU law, the Foundation Trust Network has warned.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Bringing mental health under the NHS wing


    Successive governments have left mental health in the shadows. At the Liberal Democrat conference leader Nick Clegg will outline his plans to turn the sector around and make it truly patient centred

  • News

    Working group on women in medicine holds first meeting


    The first meeting of the national working group on women in medicine took place this week.

  • News

    Liberal Democrats voice support for top ups


    Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg has called for patients to be allowed to pay for extra treatment without losing the right to free NHS care.

  • News

    Police cells 'unsuitable' for Mental Health Act detentions


    Twice as many people are detained in unsuitable police custody for assessment under the Mental Health Act as are taken to hospital by police for this purpose, a report published by the Independent Police Complaints Commission has revealed.

  • News

    DH figures show slight rise in diagnostic waits


    The Department of Health has published waiting times for 15 key diagnostic tests to the end of July.The figures show a slight increase in long-term waiters compared with the previous month.

  • News

    Think tank calls for NHS overhaul


    The NHS should be replaced by a health protection model in which the government acts as a regulator, according to a report by think tank Reform.The system proposed in the report would include incentives for healthy living, an insurance model to cover rare drugs and luxury items and clarity over ...

  • News

    Increase in GPs offering extended hours


    The percentage of GP practices offering extended opening hours has increased from 37.8 per cent in July to 44.9 per cent in September, according to figures from the Department of Health.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Mental health foundation trusts: F marks the spot


    Just under half of mental health trusts have achieved foundation status. Helen Mooney looks at the options for those that may not be able to make the grade

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Patient choice in mental health: your shout


    The views of mental health patients will become much more important over the next decade as they demand services tailored to their needs, writes Mark Gould

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Benchmarking out of hours healthcare


    Huge variations in the cost and quality of out of hours healthcare around the country have led to moves to benchmark these services. Kaye McIntosh reports

  • News

    Unite members canvassed on industrial action


    Members of Unite, the country's largest union, are being canvassed on a menu for industrial action to reverse the government's stand on below-inflation pay awards for NHS staff.

  • Comment

    Angela Greatley on tackling social exclusion


    There is a group of people who are chronically excluded from housing, work, relationships and the kinds of activity most people aspire to in 21st century Britain. They exhibit the most complex problems but they can be the most excluded from the very help they need.

  • News

    Alan Johnson approves A&E closure plans


    Health secretary Alan Johnson has given his backing to controversial plans to close the accident and emergency department at Chase Farm Hospital in Enfield, London.Proposals by Barnet, Enfield and Haringey primary care trusts, which had been referred to the independent reconfiguration panel, will see parts of the hospital rebuilt and ...

  • Comment

    Simon Stevens on the top-up payment maze


    The government has committed to answering at some time in the coming weeks a highly awkward dilemma: whether or not to allow NHS patients to make 'top-up' payments to cover treatments the NHS will not fund.

  • Comment

    Michael White on public health policy


    Andrew Lansley seems to have been the first health politico to get off the beach and back in hot water this summer with that 'no excuses, no nannying' speech he made to the pro-market Reform think tank.

  • News

    Conservatives plan to step up councils' role in health


    Public health directors would have to report to local authorities under plans announced by the shadow health secretary last week.

  • Leader

    Trusts survey the wreckage as PFI hospitals begin to crumble


    Arcane accountancy rules are in danger of costing the NHS control of some of its buildings. As HSJ reveals this week, the Treasury's decision to adopt new international accountancy standards is pushing trusts with private finance initiative debts to consider hiving off their estate to charities.

  • News

    PFI plan could keep debts off NHS trusts' balance sheets


    NHS trusts may hand their private finance initiative hospitals over to specially created charities to avoid reporting PFI debts on their balance sheets, HSJ has learned.The controversial plans would involve trusts ceding control of the hospitals to a third party.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Get happy: the secret to a healthy old age


    There is clear evidence older people benefit from preventive healthcare. For the fulfilled old age that people want, services must spot depression early and support good diet and mobility