All Policy articles – Page 216

  • News

    Drug addiction services hit by unrealistic targets


    Unrealistic targets to get more drug addicts into treatment are causing the quality of services to plummet, psychiatrists are warning.

  • News

    Accountancy firms win PCT board roles


    Three of the 'big four' accountancy firms have been selected to improve primary care trust boards' skills.KPMG, PricewaterhouseCoopers and Ernst & Young are all leading consortiums that have made successful bids to be on the Department of Health's new PCT board development framework.

  • News

    Government to underwrite hospital trusts' assets


    The government is to underwrite hospital trusts' assets to prevent them going bust and ending up in court.HSJ has learned that the Department of Health is to issue a consultation paper this month that rules out insolvency for trusts that are failing financially.

  • Comment

    Gay Lee on the social care debate


    Nurses and social workers know it is impossible to tell where social care ends and healthcare begins. Yet they waste time, effort and money trying to prise them apart - because government policy says they must.

  • News

    Scottish car parking charges abolished


    Car parking charges have been abolished at all hospitals in Scotland.

  • News

    Almost half of all patients offered choice of hospital


    The percentage of patients being offered a choice of hospital for their first outpatient appointment was 47 per cent in March 2008, up from 46 per cent in January.

  • HSJ Partners

    Building skills in the healthcare workforce


    Skills for Health offers a range of services to healthcare leaders to improve the quality of their workforce's skills. John Rogers offers guidance on the tools available

  • Comment

    Amanda Doyle on the trouble with patient choice


    Lord Darzi, in his next stage review, talks a lot about choice, and why not? Greater choice of healthcare provider is, undoubtedly, a good thing.

  • News

    IT plans 'hopelessly flawed', says shadow health secretary


    The £12.7bn national IT programme is a 'hopelessly flawed, centrally imposed project that has not been properly thought through from the start and was never subjected to a proper cost benefit analysis,' Liberal Democrat shadow health secretary Norman Lamb has said.He was responding to reports that the NHS is facing ...

  • News

    Lansley boosts councils' role in public health


    Public health directors would have to report to local authorities under plans announced by the shadow health secretary last week.Andrew Lansley told an audience at the think tank Reform that the Conservatives now envisaged councils having an even greater role in improving public health.Outlining conclusions from the party's consultation on ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Adolescent services: smells like teen spirit


    The teenage years are not the easiest: testing boundaries, asserting your independence and taking risks - and this age group often falls between child and adult healthcare. Claire Laurent reports on moves to target services for young people's needs

  • Comment

    Andrew Jones on achieving quality care


    Piloting the NHS towards quality requires robust regulation and inspection, and the DH has already set up overlapping organisations to provide this, presumably with a thinly spread budget. But if Lord Darzi's plan is to be accomplished, it will require action rather than rhetoric, and action requires funding.

  • Comment

    Naomi Chambers on grumpy boards


    With Lord Darzi's review of the NHS casting an uncertain light on the role of boards, some members might be forgiven for becoming tetchy, mistrustful, grumbling souls who always seem to be on the defensive

  • News

    £1.75bn surplus down to strong financial management, says DH


    The Department of Health says its predicted surplus of £1.75bn in 2008-09 shows strong financial management by the NHS.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Super patients should use their powers wisely


    The government is set to empower patients with personal budgets for care, but clear rules must guarantee choices are well informed and cost-effective, say Anna Dixon and Rebecca Ashton

  • Comment

    Noel Plumridge on a family tragedy


    When the mobile phone leaps into life before 8am, it's usually ominous. Yesterday was no exception, with a text from my sister Amy: 'Tony has been in a terrible accident and is fighting 4 his life. Everyone pls pray 4 him.'

  • News

    Coding errors distort bills for PCTs


    Up to £1bn of the bills hospital trusts sent primary care trusts last year could be wrong, tests by the Audit Commission have suggested.

  • News

    Huge contrasts found between UK nations


    Patients in the UK’s four nations have dramatically different experiences of the NHS, HSJ can reveal.

  • News

    Hospitals hold back choose and book slots


    A senior Department of Health official has criticised 'significant numbers' of hospital trusts for holding appointments back from the choose and book system.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    National service: health policy performance across the UK


    A&E attendances and emergency admissions have shot up in recent years - but only in England. Alison Moore asks why the record is so inconsistent across the UK