All Policy articles – Page 218

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Delivering 18 weeks: the steps to success


    Meeting the December 18-week referral to treatment target will be a challenge for many hospitals, especially those that missed the March milestone. Heather Lawrence, Kieran Brett and Michael Macdonnell explain how Chelsea and Westminster foundation trust hit the target nine months early

  • Comment

    Michael White on relatonships with the media


    A grizzled ex-minister, just back from an evidently refreshing holiday, was muttering the other day about what he calls the 'BBC mindset', by which he means all of us in the inky-fingered media trades.

  • News

    Welfare reforms and drug treatment


    You ask what the government's welfare reforms mean for the health service. You assert that the government intends to force drug users into treatment. You highlight a claim from Mental Health Foundation chief executive Andrew McCulloch that the NHS is not offering people drug treatment.

  • Leader

    Young promises new regime will deliver speed and independence


    The language used by the chair of the Care Quality Commission in her interview with HSJ was typically clear, robust and ambitious.

  • Leader

    Carbon emmissions need central steering


    When it comes to reducing carbon emissions, it is difficult to conceive of an industry that faces a more complex challenge than the health service.

  • News

    Sophia Christie on the Naomi Campbell effect


    At a recent House of Commons gathering to discuss the role of commissioning in delivering improvement, there was silence on the application of world class standards to the commissioning of primary care.

  • News

    PCTs suspect trusts may be allowing top ups


    Primary care trusts have received few requests from patients wishing to 'top up' their care but are concerned that hospitals are doing so without their permission.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Improving quality: a perfect 10 from patients


    The next stage of NHS reform will be about improving quality - and an ambitious outcomes measurement regime will be crucial, say Jon Sussex and Adrian Towse

  • HSJ Partners

    Seizing the initiative on self-management


    Self-management has become the next big thing in healthcare policy, thanks to Lord Darzi's recent report. Clinicians now have an excellent opportunity to improve the standard of care provided to patients with long-term conditions

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Staff development: three steps to greatness


    Chris Roebuck explains how human resources is vital to develop the next generation of leaders in the health service

  • Comment

    David Amos on staff engagement


    The people of Hounslow, west London, have been impressed by a street cleaner who dances like Michael Jackson. This is either the council chief executive on a back to the floor initiative thinking about how much his contract is worth, or an extremely engaged employee.

  • Comment

    Angela Greatley on worrying welfare reforms


    Late last month, the government published its latest plans for welfare reform. Many of the proposals in the green paper, No One Written Off, are likely to be very significant for sick and disabled people.

  • News

    DH launches consultation on NHS constitution


    The Department of Health has formally launched the constitutional advisory forum, which will lead the consultation on the proposed NHS constitution.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Devolved power flows through Darzi's vision


    The next stage review's warm reception was testament to the staff and patient engagement that informed it. Now, says NHS chief executive David Nicholson, that local ownership will energise its implementation

  • News

    Malcolm Lowe-Lauri on following Darzi


    I have been hearing talk along the lines of 'Darzi will never take off'. Some of this is wishful thinking (fearful acute trust) or something like first night nerves (empowered but apprehensive PCT).

  • News

    Do not marginalise drug addiction


    Thank you HSJ for flagging up the 'neglect' of common mental health problems in specialist mental health trusts.

  • News

    Managers losing sleep as 48-hour week nears


    The clock is ticking on the European working time directive, with only a year until junior doctors’ hours are cut. Alison Moore asks if trusts are ready to make the change

  • News

    £550m set aside to fund Darzi


    The Department of Health has set aside £150m from next year's NHS budget and £400m in 2010-11 to pay for the commitments set out in health minister Lord Darzi's review.

  • News

    Accounting rule changes to cost hospitals £146m


    New accountancy rules will bring up to 16bn of extra debt onto the NHS balance sheet and cost hospitals 146m a year.

  • Comment

    Jim Wardrope on emergency medicine myths


    Lord Darzi's review of the NHS has yielded some good results for emergency medicine. However, there are a number of persistent myths about emergency care that could undermine the good work that has been done so far.