All Policy articles – Page 219

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    Sandy Watson on the need for community engagement


    Community engagement is a fundamental part of community planning. We must listen to what the public has to say about levels of service and then take action to improve performance.

  • News

    NHS Alliance sets out integrated care framework


    The NHS Alliance has set out a proposed framework for the new integrated care pilots announced in Lord Darzi's next stage review.Along with goals such as clinical quality and financial accountability, it recommends putting an emphasis on prevention and reduction of ill-health; promoting collaboration across primary, community and secondary care ...

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    Peter Reader on integrating healthcare


    Lord Darzi's next stage review contains the seeds of potentially the greatest revolution the NHS has seen since it was formed - a commitment to seek expressions of interest to run 'integrated care pilots'.

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    Neil Goodwin on leadership lessons from David Lloyd George


    I was delighted to see David Lloyd George listed as one of the most influential people in the history of the NHS - we can learn a lot from his leadership experience.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Under the radar: BME mental health


    Language barriers and stereotyping mean the mental health needs of black and minority ethnic older people are going unseen by commissioners. Kaye McIntosh reports

  • News

    Patients' views of primary care vary widely - Healthcare Commission


    A Healthcare Commission survey has highlighted wide variations in patients' experience of primary care between different PCTs.Striking variations were found in 48-hour access and patient choice, both of which have been prioritised by the Department of Health.

  • News

    SHAs and trusts lock horns over future shape of workforce


    The government’s NHS workforce strategy is sidelining trusts and fuelling rows with strategic health authorities, managers have told HSJ.Health minister Lord Darzi’s next stage review is being criticised for granting SHAs extra workforce planning powers and saying little about non-clinical managers.

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    Michael White on facing up to obesity


    Amid the hype over Labour's defeat in Glasgow East, I suspect the most important consequence of the by-election will not be the ejection of Gordon Brown.

  • Leader

    Workforce strategy should be driven by trusts, not regions


    Among the wild cheering that accompanied most of Lord Darzi’s next stage review plans, there was a markedly more muted response to the workforce strategy.

  • News

    Trusts in the dark on their role in medics' regulation


    Trusts are still unclear about their role in doctors' revalidation, 10 years after the idea was first mooted.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Cancer screening: two decades on target but still more to do


    Thousands of women's lives have been saved thanks to the screening programmes introduced 20 years ago. However, there is no cause for complacency, as marginalised women still need to be reached.

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    Cancelling cleaning contracts 'will be easier'


    The government will look at how to make it easier for trusts to terminate contracted-out cleaning services when they are not satisfied with them.

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    Report finds targets boost progress for sexual health


    Primary care trusts must undertake five-yearly comprehensive sexual health needs assessments of their area, set local targets and make someone at board level accountable for their strategy, according to a progress report on the national strategy for sexual health and HIV.

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    Unemployed are told to kick the benefits habit


    In a radical move to cut the benefits bill, the government intends to force drug users into treatment and the long-term sick back to work. What will this mean for the health service, asks Charlotte Santry

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    Joint appointment smooths way for Kingston merger


    Kingston primary care trust and council are consulting on plans to integrate. The PCT and local authority have appointed the first joint director of finance as part of a move to promote greater partnership working.

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    Cornwall's one-site cancer plans run aground


    A primary care trust's aim to centralise specialised cancer services has been derailed by the council's overview and scrutiny committee, which wants a full public consultation.

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    Campaigners urge Johnson to legislate against obesity


    Public health bodies are urging the government to back up its rhetoric on obesity with legislation.

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    Noel Plumridge on problems with PFI accounting rules


    Rules, they say, are made to be broken. There was never anything sacrosanct about Gordon Brown's fiscal rule, which has restricted public sector debt to less than 40 per cent of national income.

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    Johnson slams PCT over GP access policy


    Health secretary Alan Johnson has attacked the 'disgraceful attitude' of primary care trusts that quibble over the terms of his department's flagship policy to extend access to GPs in under-doctored areas.

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    No prosecutions over Maidstone deaths


    No-one will face prosecution over the deaths of 90 patients from C difficile at a Kent trust, it was announced today.Kent police and the Health and Safety Executive said they would take no further action after a review prompted by the critical Healthcare Commission report into Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells ...