All Policy articles – Page 222

  • News

    Chief medical officer's annual report confronts surgical safety


    Survival rates 30 days after surgery should be analysed and made public, the chief medical officer has demanded.

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    Watchdogs call for alcohol and obesity focus


    Alcohol abuse and obesity must be tackled more systematically or they could 'derail' overall health improvements, the health and spending watchdogs have warned.

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    £300m fund to tackle end of life care skills shortage


    The Department of Health has unveiled nearly £300m of funding for end of life care and told strategic health authorities to resolve significant skills shortages among staff working in the sector.

  • News

    Alan Johnson reveals end of life strategy


    Health secretary Alan Johnson has launched the government's end of life care strategy.The report, backed with £286m of funding, will see primary care trusts work with local authorities to ensure that rapid response community nursing services are available in all areas.

  • News

    GP access survey reveals mixed picture


    Satisfaction with GP opening hours has dipped slightly, but patients are reporting improvements in access, the latest GP patient access survey has revealed.

  • News

    Alcohol and obesity threaten public health work, regulators say


    Alcohol abuse and obesity must be tackled more systematically or they could 'derail' overall health improvements, health and spending watchdogs have warned.

  • Comment

    Alyson Morley on the push for polyclinics


    Do polyclinics spell the end of the patient-doctor relationship in favour of faceless big business intrusion into health services? Or are they the must-have health facility of the future?

  • Comment

    Richard Craven on how Darzi will improve access


    Lord Darzi's review of the NHS heralds a new era of innovation in healthcare, and with it the tools and opportunities to reach out to patients who are disengaged from health services.

  • News

    Wales outlines plans to fund eye drugs


    Welsh minister for health and social services Edwina Hart has outlined plans on how the Welsh Assembly will spend £15m of funding to treat the eye condition 'wet' age-related macular degeneration.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Darzi's vision - towards a quality-obsessed NHS


    Under Lord Darzi's recently published plans for the health service, clinicians will lead the charge to top-quality care. Ingrid Torjesen explains

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Making clinical leadership happen


    Education and training are key components of Lord Darzi's plans to increase clinical leadership in the NHS. Ingrid Torjesen explains how the clinical landscape will change

  • News

    UK cancer survivors top 2 million, claims charity


    At least 2 million people in the UK have survived cancer or are living with the illness while being treated for it, according to research by charity Macmillan Cancer Support.

  • News

    Minister's respect tour visits East Midlands


    Care services minister Ivan Lewis is to visit Leicester today as part of a national tour aimed at ensuring all people using health and care services are treated with dignity.

  • News

    CMO calls for focus on teen health


    Chief medical officer Sir Liam Donaldson has called for a focus on teenage health, including a national summit to take stock of health programmes and services for teenagers, more involvement of teenagers in designing health services, and establishing a young person's panel to advise on a national campaign on risk ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Julia Tybura on new NHS values


    I am proud Zenon has reached the ripe old age (in consultancy years) of 10 and I am delighted that at last month's NHS Confederation conference we had many clients, colleagues and friends celebrating with us.

  • Comment

    Andrew Jones on topping up NHS care


    The government's announcement that it plans to review co-payments and whether they should be allowed in the NHS surprised me because it asks the wrong question.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Protecting NHS data


    NHS managers should prepare their organisations for tougher data protection rules coming into force. Simon Charlton explains

  • Comment

    Angela Greatley on a new vision for mental health


    Next year, the first of the government's national service frameworks will come to an end. The adult mental health framework was published in 1999 as a 10-year plan for improving services and setting out what patients could expect from them.

  • News

    NHS Choices to publish hospital mortality rates


    Hospital death rates for four operations will be published for the first time on the NHS Choices website in a bid to help patients make more informed choices.

  • News

    Treasury set to rein in public spend


    The Treasury has launched a fresh public sector efficiency review in a bid to keep an ever tighter rein on the public sector finances.