All Policy articles – Page 225
CMO calls for focus on teen health
Chief medical officer Sir Liam Donaldson has called for a focus on teenage health, including a national summit to take stock of health programmes and services for teenagers, more involvement of teenagers in designing health services, and establishing a young person's panel to advise on a national campaign on risk ...
HSJ Knowledge
Julia Tybura on new NHS values
I am proud Zenon has reached the ripe old age (in consultancy years) of 10 and I am delighted that at last month's NHS Confederation conference we had many clients, colleagues and friends celebrating with us.
Andrew Jones on topping up NHS care
The government's announcement that it plans to review co-payments and whether they should be allowed in the NHS surprised me because it asks the wrong question.
HSJ Knowledge
Protecting NHS data
NHS managers should prepare their organisations for tougher data protection rules coming into force. Simon Charlton explains
Angela Greatley on a new vision for mental health
Next year, the first of the government's national service frameworks will come to an end. The adult mental health framework was published in 1999 as a 10-year plan for improving services and setting out what patients could expect from them.
NHS Choices to publish hospital mortality rates
Hospital death rates for four operations will be published for the first time on the NHS Choices website in a bid to help patients make more informed choices.
Treasury set to rein in public spend
The Treasury has launched a fresh public sector efficiency review in a bid to keep an ever tighter rein on the public sector finances.
Meldrum urges doctors to take leading role in reform
Doctors must 'roll up their sleeves' and get involved in Lord Darzi's healthcare reforms or risk being marginalised, irrelevant and ignored, according to the British Medical Association chairman.
Darzi drives doctors to scale the dizzy heights
The next stage review makes a priority of getting more clinicians into leadership roles. Alison Moore explores the implications of the workforce strategy for clinical professionals
Simon Stevens on a good year for Darzi
As wine experts will occasionally admit, it's hard to know how a new vintage will perform. Wines age, maturation takes time. And a decent bottle may be overshadowed by a later blockbuster year.
HSJ Knowledge
Strategy will knit up the ravelled sleeve of care
Traditional institutional boundaries must be crossed and existing work patterns challenged before the elements of the NHS can come together to create care that fits patients perfectly
Darzi calls for skills to tackle challenge of lifestyle diseases
Primary and community care organisations must strengthen their skills and infrastructure to tackle 'lifestyle diseases' such as obesity, Lord Darzi told an HSJ conference this week.
Euro providers could claim place on choose and book
European health providers could launch claims to be included in GP choose and book systems to give them the same access to the NHS market as those in the UK.
Natalie Lambert on respecting research
Most applied health and social sciences research is rightly directed at identifying the most cost-effective interventions for specific diseases and risks.
HSJ Knowledge
Aligning health and local government incentives
In the North West, health services and local government work in perfect alignment. What is the secret of their success?
HSJ Knowledge
The next steps in reducing inequality
The government is determined to reduce health inequalities by 2010, but this requires a concerted effort from all local agencies in the human workshop.
HSJ Knowledge
Dame Carol Black on clinical responsibility
My interest in the changes in the NHS workforce has mostly focused on frontline staff - participants in the millions of clinical encounters that are at the heart of the service.
HSJ Knowledge
Recruitment questions: overseas staff in the NHS
A few years ago, the service was in the spotlight for plugging staffing gaps with overseas workers. Now restrictions have been imposed as vacancies evaporate. Is the NHS right to aim for a 'self-sufficient' workforce?
HSJ Knowledge
David Peat on 60 years with the NHS
Call it a fortuitous coincidence if you will, but the NHS and I share the same birthday. Not to the day, but near enough.
Health ministers affirm commitment to NHS principles
The four UK health ministers have issued a joint statement on the core principles of the NHS.