All Policy articles – Page 225

  • News

    Darzi speak: the new jargon


    Health minister Lord Darzi's report introduces some new acronyms and jargon. Here's a brief guide

  • News

    Darzi rules out statutory regulation for managers


    Lord Darzi has ruled out developing a regulatory body equivalent to the General Medical Council for managers.

  • News

    Darzi outlines draft NHS constitution


    Lord Darzi today set out the seven principles that underlie the NHS - along with the rights and responsibilities that accompany them.

  • News

    Darzi turns up heat on clinical leadership and training


    Health minister Lord Darzi has put clinical leadership at the centre of his next stage review.

  • News

    Darzi launches 10-year vision for the NHS


    Health minister Lord Darzi has set out his vision for an NHS focused on quality of services, where patients' wishes come first and nurses and doctors have the freedom to offer the safest and most effective treatment.

  • News

    Darzi review due at 3.30pm


    The next stage review of the NHS is due to be announced by health minister Lord Darzi and health secretary Alan Johnson at 3.30 this afternoon. See for breaking news on the review from 3.30.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Keith Pearson on valuing the NHS


    The Russian author Tatyana Tolstaya once said of her homeland: 'For us, the best time is always yesterday.' As we prepare for the 60th anniversary of the NHS, I look around and worry that too many people believe this is as true of the NHS today as Russia in 1990. ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Young people's sexual health


    While the GP practice seems an obvious place for improving uptake of sexual health screening, funding issues are slowing progress, says Caroline White

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Healthy future for the NHS


    The biggest challenge for the NHS in its seventh decade is to build a health contract with citizens that prompts many more to keep themselves well, says the consultancy Tribal

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS60: All roads lead to IT


    BT is dedicated to a future where information technology works for healthcare on all fronts, says Lyn Whitfield

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS60: Flash outfit


    The light pulsing on top of a modern NHS emergency vehicle signals a mobile unit packed with staff expertise and impressive technology, says Airwave’s David Sangster

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS60: Job adverts over the years


    Emma Dent on six decades of job adverts in HSJ - and how they have been a barometer of policy

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS60: 'It was the toughest two years of my life'


    Being in the top job at the Department of Health means overseeing the biggest political football of all. Peter Davies and Daloni Carlisle hear six former health secretaries' memories

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS60: Who had a hand in policy?


    The health ministry has conceded influence over the direction of the NHS to many different groups, from the family doctors of 1948, to the teaching hospital boards of the 1960s, to the professional managers and regulators of 2008. By Anna Dixon

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS60: A dramatic revolution


    Daloni Carlisle charts 60 years of the developing role of the NHS manager

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS60: The reinvention of hospitals


    A ramshackle collection of impoverished hospitals dotted the NHS landscape in 1948. Anthony Harrison charts the transformation that has created the modern secondary care scene

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS60: Retrospective


    Former chief executives and health authority leaders compare their challenges and ambitions with the picture they see emerging for managers today. By Alison Moore

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS60: Frontline pharmacy


    The community pharmacist’s invaluable role in dispensing prescriptions and advice is sure to expand into delivering some primary healthcare services, says Lloydspharmacy

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS60: If the care fits


    Experts predict a future in which primary care will be delivered by a variety of suppliers in integrated packages tailored to individual needs, reports Ingrid Torjesen

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS60: Déjà vu


    Healthcare has moved on apace since 1948, with treatments that would have amazed medics of the time. Yet in other areas time seems to have stood still, says Niall Dickson