All Policy articles – Page 228

  • News

    DH evades Treasury cap on central budgets


    The Department of Health will use part of its own internal underspend to release itself from Treasury-imposed cut backs in administrative spending. As part of the comprehensive spending review the Treasury imposed a two per cent (£5m) reduction each year to the DH’s central budget of£225m. But in its business ...

  • News

    London PCTs back Darzi vision


    London's 31 primary care trusts have endorsed health minister Lord Darzi's Healthcare for London proposals and agreed to move ahead with a network of polyclinics and specialist hospitals.The move follows a six-month consultation on the plans. NHS London stressed it is a 'framework and not about specific services'. However, the ...

  • Comment

    Simon Jones on NHS governance


    Not too long ago, the Welsh Assembly completed a governance review of all the trusts and local health boards in Wales. Initial reactions were, as ever, 'oh no, not another review'.

  • Comment

    Angela Greatley on what Darzi can do for mental health


    Introducing the latest proposals for the next stage review last month, Lord Darzi said: 'The nature of healthcare means services will always need to change, and sometimes that means reorganising how services are provided.'

  • News

    Over a million sign BMA polyclinic petition


    More than 1.1 million people have signed a British Medical Association petition calling on the government to halt the development of polyclinics.

  • News

    Failed, fired but not yet fixed: the new realities


    Shape up or we'll find someone else to do your job - that's the new, tough message from the Department of Health. But how attractive will the 'someone else' role prove to be, asks Charlotte Santry

  • News

    Labour's NHS vision let down by reforms


    New Labour's reforms have failed to deliver its vision to transform the health service, a major report has concluded.The joint Audit Commission and Healthcare Commission report finds the overhaul of the health service under the 2000 NHS Plan has, in many areas, fallen well short of expectations.

  • Comment

    Michael White on dealing with the Treasury


    Right, enough of this gloom. All together now, we are going to say 'let's stay cheerful for the rest of this column, whatever happens'.

  • News

    Workforce contracts under fire


    NHS workforce contracts represent a 'missed opportunity' for change, today's joint report from the Healthcare Commission and Audit Commission concludes.

  • News

    Confed warns of globalisation risks


    The long-term sustainability of the NHS faces multiple threats from globalisation, the NHS Confederation has warned.

  • Comment

    Simon Stevens on on China's plans for healthcare


    In Beijing a few weeks ago, discussing alternative health reform models with Chinese government officials, I was struck by the fact that at about the time the NHS Plan was being formulated in 2000, China was embarking on a similar 10-year health plan.

  • News

    GP incentives are not needed, 'inverse care' doctor tells MPs


    The GP who developed the 'inverse care law' - which says those most in need of healthcare are least likely to receive it - has told MPs he objects to giving family doctors financial incentives to do their job.

  • Leader

    Sacking managers may attract headlines but won't fix problems


    After 11 years of public service reform, the government's record is still dogged by poor performance. The failure regime unveiled last week shows ministers are running out of patience.

  • News

    Nick Clegg pledges GP rewards in poorer areas


    Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg has said he wants to 'slant the playing field in favour of GPs working in the most deprived areas'.

  • News

    Acquisitions need to be more attractive says takeover chief


    The chief executive of England's only foundation trust to take over a failing hospital has urged the government to make acquisitions more attractive.In an exclusive article for HSJ, Heart of England foundation trust chief executive Mark Goldman warns ministers not to rely on 'heroism'. His comments follow plans to replace ...

  • News

    DH warns Treasury of chaos after accountancy rule changes


    Department of Health officials warned the Treasury that accountancy rule changes affecting the private finance initiative would ‘throw the NHS system into chaos’.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Questions to ask yourself about health policy


    The Darzi report looks set to unleash another wave of reforms, but those making and implementing new policies must learn from past mistakes.

  • Comment

    Good Hope Hospital one year on


    Last week the Department of Health announced a tough new performance regime that could see failing managers replaced with teams from the private sector or foundation trusts. Will anyone want to take on the risk of running a bankrupt business? Heart of England foundation trust chief executive Mark Goldman argues ...

  • News

    Not enough cash for polyclinics, claim Tories


    If no GP practices are closed as a result of polyclinics being opened, there will not be enough funding for the move, the Conservatives have claimed.

  • News

    Strategy aims to support carers


    The Department of Health has launched a strategy to support Britain's 'unsung army' of carers, including cash to provide short breaks, support to get back into work and a pilot of annual health checks. More personalised support for carers will also be made available.