All Policy articles – Page 229

  • News

    Royal College of Nursing members accept pay deal


    Royal College of Nursing members have voted in favour of a government pay deal worth 7.99 per cent over three years.

  • News

    Distance to GPs will treble, claim Conservatives


    Government plans to introduce polyclinics will treble the distance patients have to travel to see a GP, from at least half a mile to at least one and a half miles, the Conservatives have claimed.

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    Healthy communities fund launched


    Every town in England will have the chance to bid for up to £5m for schemes to make their inhabitants healthier and more active, health minister Dawn Primarolo has announced.

  • News

    Health inequalities plans announced


    Health secretary Alan Johnson has announced details of £34m of spending on local programmes to tackle health inequalities, including £19m to improve life expectancy and reduce infant mortality.A national support team for alcohol will be set up to help areas with the highest rates of alcohol-related hospital admissions. ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Suspending trust chairs and non-executives


    New legislation coming into force this month gives the Appointments Commission the power to suspend trust chairs and non-executives. However, suspension is unlikely to occur often, as Janice Scanlan explains

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Darzi review: Give old people a seat at the modernisation table


    Services for older people are falling down government priority lists. Two consultant nurses argue for specialist care, in hospital and the community, to be made explicit in reform plans

  • News

    Darzi review: regions promise safer and fairer services


    NHS West Midlands is to focus on prevention, quality improvement and patient involvement in a bid to tackle 'an unjustifiable variability in the safety and quality of services'.

  • News

    Parliament warns on NHS underspend damage


    More than one in five NHS organisations were still in deficit by the close of the 2006-07 financial year, despite the health service itself achieving surplus.

  • Comment

    Media Watch: co-payment 'madness'


    The fraught issue of 'co-payment' was one of the biggest health service stories this week, following the death of Linda O'Boyle from bowel cancer.

  • News

    Hygiene code going unnoticed by most trusts


    Less than a quarter of clinicians say their trusts are complying with infection control laws.

  • News

    King's Fund urges polyclinic caution


    Primary care trusts should consider polyclinic models that do not centralise GP services under one roof, the King's Fund has urged.

  • News

    King's Fund bursts the polyclinic plan bubble


    Lord Darzi's proposals for a shake-up of primary care polarised opinion. This week the King's Fund attempts to clarify the terms of debate and set out what will work - and what won't, writes Helen Crump

  • News

    Trusts face green targets in bid to cut carbon footprint


    The NHS will lead the way in tackling climate change by shrinking its carbon footprint by 60 per cent by 2050, the government has proposed.

  • News

    Academics slam two-tier corporate manslaughter legislation


    The exclusion of sectioned patients from a new law aimed at protecting people from dangerous management practices is being condemned as 'scandalous'.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Jon Restell on the NHS's 60th anniversary


    Are managers going to be unwelcome guests at the NHS's 60th birthday party in July and merely bit players in the next instalment of the next stage review?

  • News

    Wales to debate single body for mental health services


    Welsh health and social services minister Edwina Hart has called for a debate on the delivery and oversight of mental health services after an independent review recommended establishing a single statutory body to plan and deliver mental health services in Wales across organisational and regional boundaries.

  • News

    DH outlines world class commissioning test


    The Department of Health has published the framework for the world class commissioning assurance programme, but primary care trusts must wait until the summer publication of health minister Lord Darzi's next stage review to learn what incentives and rewards will be earned by the highest achievers.

  • News

    Failing managers to be axed under new NHS regime


    Managers at failing trusts will be replaced with teams from the private sector or other NHS organisations under a tough new performance regime.

  • Comment

    Ian Magee on data sharing


    Data sharing in the NHS and other public bodies can present risks, but it is crucial in protecting vulnerable patients and the public.

  • News

    DH launches consultation on volunteering


    A six-month consultation on improving support for health, social care and charity volunteers and encouraging opportunities for volunteers has been launched by the Department of Health.