All Policy articles – Page 230

  • News

    Polyclinics will not improve care, consultants tell BMA


    Six out of 10 consultants say polyclinics will not improve patient care and 83 per cent fear privatisation of the NHS is detrimental to patient care and the service overall.The survey, carried out by the British Medical Association, says that over half of respondents say they are prevented from innovating ...

  • News

    Carers should get cash budgets says think tank


    Carers should get individual cash budgets to help them cope with a 'care crunch' in which fewer councils are providing support and more families are combining caring with paid work, a report by the Institute for Public Policy Research has said.

  • News

    Anti-smoking consultation begins


    Requiring cigarettes to be sold in plain, branding-free packets of at least 20, restricting access to cigarette machines, restricting the display of tobacco products and banning advertisements for cigarette papers are among measures being considered in a consultation to cut the number of people who smoke. ...

  • News

    Youth alcohol plan launched


    A plan to help young people make informed decisions about the risks of drinking alcohol has been launched by the Department of Health, the Home Office and the Department for Children, Schools and Families.It aims to provide clearer information to parents and young people about alcohol consumption. New guidelines on ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS politics: just a pawn in the game


    From its early years to Thatcherite revolution to Blair's funding bonanza, the NHS has always been a political pawn. Click on the links at the beginning of the article to read more

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Making joint strategic needs assessments work


    Joint strategy to identify the service needs of local people became a duty last month. Renu Bindra looks at how some areas are making the process a success

  • Comment

    Andrew Jones on health outcomes


    One thing that seems to be uniting healthcare policy makers is the urge to tackle so-called health inflation.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Infrastructure: rolling out Airwave


    The NHS needs a communications network worthy of its size and complexity. David Sangster explains

  • Comment

    Michael White on dementia services


    Being in government is a bit like fighting forest fires, the kind that sweep through tinder-dry acres in countries a lot hotter than ours.

  • News

    Share rising mental health costs, says King's Fund


    The cost of mental health services is expected to rise by 45 per cent over the next 20 years, the King’s Fund has predicted.But in its long-awaited report on the future funding of mental health services, it says the NHS should not be expected to fund the increased cost alone.

  • Comment

    Sophia Christie on world class organisations


    The assurance process for world class commissioning is developing apace but with no national development programme, many in primary care trusts are wondering where to focus attention.

  • News

    Councils could lose social care funds to DWP


    Local councils could be stripped of their control over the 7bn adult social care budget under proposals being explored for the forthcoming social care green paper.

  • Leader

    Vulnerable people's fate must not fall to faceless bureaucracy


    Health secretary Alan Johnson has called for a 'national debate' on how we will meet the needs and costs of an ageing population.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Quality has to bind the Darzi recipe for reform


    Improving quality will become the national priority under the Darzi review. This essential ingredient for reform should bring together better commissioning, better skills and greater incentives for organisations and clinicians

  • News

    Johnson pledges better care for minority ethnic groups


    Black and minority ethnic people are not getting the primary healthcare they need, a government report has shown.

  • Comment

    Media Watch: bets on Johnson


    Managers may be tempted to swell trust coffers by taking a punt on health secretary Alan Johnson to be prime minister, with most papers quoting odds of six to one to replace Gordon Brown.

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    HSJ Knowledge

    Costs and benefits of new policies


    The systematic evaluation of costs and benefits of health technologies by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence is one of the success stories of the NHS over the past 10 years.

  • News

    Commercial directorate's future in the air


    The future of the Department of Health's commercial directorate is in doubt following the resignation of its director general Channing Wheeler.

  • News

    Junior doctor hospital accommodation row


    The BMA has hit out at NHS Employers for refusing to discuss how junior doctors could be helped to cope with the financial implications of the loss of free hospital accommodation.

  • News

    Nicholson tells Patient Safety Congress: create a safety culture


    Chief executives have been told to create an environment where staff can report safety incidents instead of being ‘hung up to dry’.