All Policy articles – Page 238

  • News

    Specialist cleaning inspectors to be deployed


    Teams from the Healthcare Commission will check that hospitals are meeting cleanliness standards from April, health secretary Alan Johnson has announced.

  • News

    Junior doctors on understaffed rotas, says BMA


    Three in 10 junior doctors are working on understaffed rotas, according to a survey by the British Medical Association.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Mental health: tackling suicide among young people


    Suicide is the second most common cause of death among young men, after accidents. Government and voluntary initiatives are working to cut rates, but sensationalised coverage needs to be reined in, finds Mark Gould

  • News

    ISTC payment framework announced


    The Department of Health has set out the costs it is prepared to cover as a result of last year's rescoping of the phase two independent sector treatment centre programme.

  • News

    Trusts to miss deep clean deadline


    Not all trusts will have carried out a 'deep clean' of their hospitals by Monday's deadline, HSJ can reveal.

  • News

    DH publishes 18-week data for January 2008


    The Department of Health has published referral to treatment data for patients whose 18-week clock stopped in January 2008.

  • News

    Corporate manslaughter: you could be in the dock


    From 6 April NHS organisations could be prosecuted for corporate manslaughter if someone dies in their care, but different interpretations of the law mean trusts may be unclear about their responsibilities. Ingrid Torjesen attempts to unravel the new actFor more in-depth information about the act, register for HSJ’s free corporate ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Specialised commissioning: who will stand up for rare conditions?


    As PCTs respond to popular local demand, the government must ensure illnesses that affect relatively few people are cared for too

  • News

    Most ambulance trusts off course for new target


    At least three-quarters of England's ambulance trusts look set to miss a new target for the time taken to respond to life-threatening emergencies.

  • News

    Department outlines 18 quality standards


    All health organisations will have to comply with a new set of 18 safety and quality standards under proposals unveiled in a Department of Health consultation this week.

  • News

    Department to spend £600,000 on choice publicity drive


    The Department of Health is to push ahead with the development of clinical quality measures to help patients decide where they want to be treated.

  • News

    Huge variation in GP practice pay regardless of size of list


    Figures obtained by HSJ reveal the extent to which the national GP contract has driven inequity across the country, with huge variations in payments to practices, regardless of the number and need of their patients.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Lyn Whitfield on


    When you’re in a hole, stop digging. It’s a well known maxim, but one the government seems completely incapable of applying to ID cards.Home secretary Jacqui Smith had the spade out again last month [subs March], when she re-launched the much criticised scheme for the umpteenth time.The BBC loyally reported ...

  • Supplements

    Round table - clinical priorities: a dose of realism


    Wonder drugs will play a part in transforming healthcare - but a roundtable of experts brought together by HSJ and the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry said implementing best practice could be even more important. Alexis Nolan reports

  • Comment

    David Amos on directing talent


    2008 could be the year that the widespread development of talented frontline staff and the spotting of potential senior staff takes centre stage in the NHS.

  • News

    DH response to Monitor under wraps


    The Department of Health has refused to release correspondence to Monitor regarding its legal dispute over the cap on income from private patients.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Can fluoridation help the poorest?


    The health secretary's promise of £14m a year over the next three years for water fluoridation schemes has reignited the debate. Strategic health authorities and primary care trusts must persuade local communities to agree to it, but opponents protest that fluoridation is mass medication to benefit the few and point ...

  • News

    Census shows wide variation in numbers of clinical staff


    The government's boast that the NHS has been swelled by thousands of extra clinical staff masks wide regional variations and a flattening in the number of nurses and GPs.

  • News

    Care Quality Commission salary is 'ridiculously low'


    The Department of Health is under pressure to increase the salary for the first chair of the new health and social care regulator after it was branded 'ridiculously low'. The job was advertised at £60,780 a year for up to three days a week, considerably less than comparable posts.

  • News

    Prison drugs care 'below 'standard'


    A think tank has criticised prison drug services for falling short of 'even minimum standards' and called on the government to take action.