All Policy articles – Page 240

  • News

    PCTs pressured to lose provider arm


    Strategic health authorities are forcing primary care trusts to divest themselves of their provider functions, PCT chiefs have claimed.

  • News

    NHS is 'sick man of Europe', claims report


    The NHS is 'the sick man of Europe' and should learn from other countries, according to a new report published by think tank Civitas.It claims NHS performance has 'flailed badly over the past 10 years' and highlights the Dutch healthcare system as a model to follow.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    New immigration rules restrict access to medical training


    The Home Office has announced changes to immigration rules that will restrict new international medical graduates' access to UK post-graduate medical training.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    High-impact changes in health and social care


    In the green paper Independence, Well-Being and Choice and the white paper Our Health, Our Care, Our Say, the government focused on seven positive outcomes for people using health and social care services.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    High-impact changes for health and social care: dignity and respect


    This high-impact change sets out to improve the skills, confidence and capability of staff to develop personalised plans with service users and their carers.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    High-impact changes for health and social care: personalised services


    This high-impact change sets out to put service users at the centre of service design and delivery, to give people control over their care, and to provide the framework in which people can direct their own support.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    High-impact changes for health and social care: effective commissioning


    This high-impact change sets out to promote commissioning services that are flexible and responsive to people's needs and wishes.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Doctor-manager relationships: the big fight


    NHS hospital power has long been in the hands of two sets of people: managers and clinicians, and tension has occasionally spilled out of the ring. In the latest article in our series on 60 years of the NHS, Daloni Carlisle looks at the dynamics

  • Comment

    Andrew Jones on extending primary care


    As I opened the envelope from the British Medical Association, I found myself reflecting on a tumultuous few months. The envelope in question contained a justification of the GPs' committee's negotiating stance on extended hours and a form for voting on enhanced payments options.

  • News

    Prescription costs to rise


    Prescription charges will increase by 25p from 1 April, public health minister Dawn Primarolo has announced.The increase, which the department stressed is below the rate of inflation, will take the cost of a single prescription item to £7.10.

  • News

    Posts left open as national locum shortage takes hold


    Leaked Department of Health documents reveal a national shortage of locum hospital doctors, with some trusts reporting they are 'lucky if applicants attend for interview'.HSJ first highlighted the issue last year and the DH insisted as recently as 14 February this year that there was no evidence of a widespread ...

  • Comment

    Juggling GP hours


    In response to the article by NHS Employers' Alastair Henderson, 'GPs must see sense on hours', My colleagues and I do not have a problem particularly with working extended hours, writes Dr ARJ Boggis

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Home-grown change will reshape the NHS


    The number of primary care trusts needs to reduce further, but another top-down reorganisation should be avoided - this time world class commissioning will drive a natural, bottom-up change

  • Comment

    Noel Plumridge on topping up NHS care


    It is a long time since NHS care was unequivocally free. Over half a century ago, in the final days of a post-war Labour government that was proud to nationalise not just healthcare but the 'commanding heights' of the British economy - coal, steel, the railways - a certain outspoken ...

  • News

    PCTs cut continuing care packages


    More than a quarter of primary care trusts have cut the number of adults they give NHS 'continuing care', despite guidance intended to boost provision.Figures published by the Department of Health show 44 PCTs reduced the number of people to whom they give the care package between April and December ...

  • Comment

    Michael White on health budgets


    Opposition spokesmen as energetic as Andrew Lansley tend to respond to breaking news rather than to make it. It's the curse of opposition. When they're in the headlines it's usually bad news. The Tory health spokesman has been making headlines.

  • News

    Patient affairs lead is 'not a new czar'


    The Department of Health has appointed a new diabetes czar and a director of patient and public affairs.

  • News

    Tooke calls for urgent action on doctors' role


    In January the Tooke report on medical careers was well received. But pressure groups have accused the government of using delaying tactics in its response, reports Ann McGauran

  • News

    Free parking in Wales will cost trusts £5.4m


    Hospital trusts in Wales will lose up to £5.4m per year because the Welsh Assembly government has told them they must stop raising income from car parking.

  • News

    ISTC contract guarantees will saddle NHS with a £187m bill


    Deals with private contractors have left the NHS facing a hidden 187m bill to buy back some of the controversial independent sector treatment centres, HSJ has learned.