All Policy articles – Page 242

  • News

    £3.87m health research funding announced


    Health research funding worth £3.8m has been announced by the Welsh Assembly and the Medical Research Council.

  • News

    £170m to be invested in talking therapies


    £170m is to be invested in a training programme for 3,600 psychological therapists and to increase access to low and high-intensity cognitive behavioural therapy.

  • News

    NHS board funding formula to change


    A new formula for allocating budgets to NHS boards in Scotland will be introduced from 2009-10.

  • News

    Johnson announces midwives drive


    Health secretary Alan Johnson has announced a package of measures to recruit an extra 4,000 midwives to the NHS over the next three years.As part of the recruitment drive, the Department of Health and the Royal College of Midwives will launch a Return to Practice campaign in the summer, with ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    What a carve-up: the future of SHAs


    After 18 months, the role of reconfigured strategic health authorities still does not seem clearly defined. So what does that mean for the future, asks Helen Mooney

  • Comment

    Monitor watching


    I did not say that foundation trusts should have the right to ignore government targets and that Monitor should stand up for them when they do (leader, 21 February). All foundation trusts should rightly meet the expectations that ministers have for patients, including government targets, writes Sue Slipman

  • Comment

    We are still accountable to the public


    Monitor has never said that ministers cannot express concerns with quality and views about priorities ('Is government taking liberties with the foundation principle?'). Indeed, we believe the Department of Health's prime role is to protect the interests of patients by setting targets and quality standards, and by determining nationally what ...

  • News

    Mental health charities make constitution plea


    A group of mental health charities has sent a joint letter to health secretary Alan Johnson calling on the government to recognise mental health in any potential NHS constitution.It is signed by the chief executives of four major charities and the president of the Royal College of Psychiatrists.

  • News

    Monitor challenges DH on freedoms


    Battle lines are hardening between foundation trusts and the Department of Health over the trusts' future, following a series of leaked letters between the leaders of the NHS and regulator Monitor, reports Sally Gainsbury. The correspondence has exposed a gulf between their positions on New Labour's flagship hospitals.

  • News

    Doctors move to vote yes, under protest


    GPs will be persuaded to vote yes to the government's offer on extended hours, according to a poll of GPs.

  • Comment

    Michael White on the consultant of the future


    I make it a policy to chuckle when I hear of some mild British institution being likened to Nazi Germany or Stalin's Russia by someone who hasn't understood much history. Even law lords do it.

  • News

    Ministers vs GPs: how did it come to this?


    The GP contract talks have been played out for the public, with both sides taking to the airwaves. Ingrid Torjesen explores why a couple of extra hours a week has created such a conflict

  • News

    Johnson irks committee as he ducks careers queries


    Health secretary Alan Johnson has rankled MPs by refusing to answer questions at a health select committee inquiry into Modernising Medical Careers.Mr Johnson batted off a series of questions about junior doctors' training, saying he could not comment before the Department of Health's formal response to the Tooke report.

  • News

    Cardiac target to cut deaths met early


    The NHS has made 'outstanding progress' in managing cardio- vascular disease, according to two reports published this week.

  • News

    Councils given chance to offload burdens


    An independent review body has launched an investigation into the factors that hinder partnership work between health and social care services.

  • News

    Basic data 'should be free'


    The chief executive of the Information Centre has promised to 'put right' the perception that Dr Foster has Intelligence unfair access to NHS data.

  • Comment

    The people's constitution


    BUPA is supportive of the concept of an NHS constitution, but as an initiative designed to empower consumers. However, much of the discussion seems to be centring on processes and structure, writes Andrew Vallance-Owen

  • Comment

    Of equal weight…


    Your coverage of two related issues in HSJ in separate articles is timely (news analysis and opinion, 14 February). What Sophia Christie's column fails to mention is the pressure faced by NHS colleagues to fund Lucentis in advance of the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence issuing its final ...

  • Comment

    Whither NHS reform?


    Richard Vize makes a sweeping dig at the British Medical Association and GPs, your traditional villains, and will probably get a quick laugh from the cheap seats. But has HSJ missed a point here?

  • News

    New guidance on sexual health targets


    The Department of Health has published new best practice guidance to help primary care trusts hit targets designed to ensure swift access to sexual health services.