All Policy articles – Page 243

  • News

    Doctors struggle as numbers in temporary cells grow


    Doctors are struggling to care for the growing number of prisoners housed in temporary cells, the British Medical Association said today.

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    Using evidence to achieve equality in healthcare


    Frontline staff and managers must be skilled in engaging with and using evidence if they are to promote race equality in health services, writes Ronny Flynn

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    Using evidence to achieve equality in healthcare


    Frontline staff and managers must be skilled in engaging with and using evidence if they are to promote race equality in health services, writes Ronny Flynn

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    BMA polls family doctors


    The British Medical Association's GP committee has announced the questions it is asking in its poll of GPs on extended hours.

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    Tories warn over Darzi polyclinic plans


    Junior heath minister Lord Darzi's plan to introduce polyclinics throughout the UK will not improve family services, according to the Conservatives.

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    Call for better veteran mental healthcare


    Clinical care and rehabilitation services for wounded servicemen and women by the Defence Medical Services are world class but mental health treatment is not thorough or systematic, a report by the Commons defence select committee has said.

  • News

    Heart disease target met five years early


    The target of reducing deaths from cardiovascular disease by 40 per cent in people under 75 has been met five years early, according to a progress report on the coronary heart disease national service framework.The report also outlines achievements of a capital programme to provide facilities for treating patients with ...

  • Comment

    BMA will fight


    It is not the BMA which is 'grossly misrepresenting' the argument over GP opening hours. It is the government's campaign of misinformation, inaccurate media reporting and misleading articles such as Richard Vize's blinkered editorial, writes Robert Morley

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    Is it reasonable to audit GPs' hours?


    Far from 'standing between patients and a better service' over longer GP opening hours, the British Medical Association has said most GPs would offer appointments in extended hours, writes Richard Vautrey

  • News

    minimum gp core hours


    The Department of Health has no plans to set a minimum number of consulting hours GP practices should provide during their contracted core hours. As the government plans to set a minimum threshold for hours practices must be available for appointments outside the hours of 8am to 6.30pm Monday to ...

  • News

    NHS changes 'are yet to deliver'


    Payment by results has yet to deliver significant improvements, according to a report published today by the Audit Commission.Under PbR, productivity has not risen greatly although the report conceded that the policy had not borne out fears it would damage patient care by cutting costs.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Tolerance of NHS mistakes needs major overhaul


    In other industries mistakes are considered unacceptable, yet in the NHS minor errors cause thousands of extra days in hospital

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    Violence increases but training in restraint techniques is still on hold


    Urgent proposals for dealing with violent patients are still awaiting government funding 10 years after the death that sparked them.HSJ has discovered that a national training scheme for staff in acute mental health wards has been on hold for years, despite fresh evidence of increasing violent behaviour.

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    Media Watch: GP opening hours


    Doctors were in the spotlight this week, after the British Medical Association advised GPs to accept a new contract that means practices will open for longer.

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    Welsh epilepsy plan first of its kind


    Pressure is mounting to address failures in epilepsy care across the UK after the launch of a groundbreaking plan in Wales.

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    Training cuts could stifle talking therapy


    A government pledge to make 'talking therapies' more available is being jeopardised by higher education funding cuts, training providers have claimed.

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    PCTs 'would gain power by a constitution'


    An NHS constitution would address the 'woefully inadequate' relationship between commissioners and patients, shadow health secretary Andrew Lansley has claimed.

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    Sophie Christie on the Lucentis drug controversy


    The latest media celebration of how terrible the NHS is gathers pace. The press has been reporting that people are going blind because they are being refused a drug (as opposed to going blind because they have a degenerative disease). Yet the fourth estate seems to be missing a far ...

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    Primary care leaders call GP resistance 'unhelpful'


    Primary care leaders have joined the argument over extended hours after GPs warned they may refuse to take part in local audits on opening times.

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    Mayor flags up his blueprint for the future of London's health


    Preventable inequalities in health are unacceptable in a leading world city and have huge economic and social consequences, according to London mayor Ken Livingstone.