All Policy articles – Page 248

  • News

    Care Quality Commission could threaten accountability, Monitor warns


    A new super-regulator will not provide any extra safeguards for patients and could lead to duplication, Monitor has warned.

  • Comment

    Ministers should heed warnings over accountability


    Wrangling over the precise remit of the forthcoming Care Quality Commission continues apace.

  • News

    Trusts in dark over 18-week progress


    'Early achiever' trusts still cannot say if they hit the 18-week target by the end of 2007, because of delays in upgrading their computer systems.

  • News

    Organ Donation Taskforce publishes recommendations


    A government taskforce today published its vision for increasing the number of organs available for transplant by half over the next five years.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    European law and the NHS - the year ahead


    Steve Barnett looks at EU law and its potential impact on the NHS workforce in 2008

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Creating a culture of commitment in the healthcare sector


    Look for Steve Onyett's column in HSJ's training and development supplement on 21 February.

  • News

    More calls for NHS bank holiday


    Labour MP Howard Stoate has backed calls by think tank the Fabian Society to create a new bank holiday to mark the 60th birthday of the NHS.

  • News

    National carers consultation concludes


    A national consultation on how to improve conditions for carers has concluded with an event attended by more than 60 carers, prime minister Gordon Brown, health secretary Alan Johnson and health minister Ivan Lewis.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Ali Mohammed on job satisfaction


    What makes you get up and come to work each day? Is it the challenge of the job? The working conditions? Recent Department of Health research suggests 10 usual suspects as answers, including 'having the skills and equipment needed to do my job', 'being treated with respect, trusted and listened ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Maggie Rae on action for equality


    Christmas came early for me insofar as all the objectives I wanted to deliver were prioritised in the NHS operating framework. I was delighted to see health inequalities in there.

  • News

    Pregnancy grant a 'gimmick' - Tories


    The Conservative Party has questioned whether Labour's planned grants for pregnant women will provide any health benefits.The health in pregnancy grant will be available from the 29th week of pregnancy to improve the nutrition of expectant mothers, under plans outlined in the Health and Social Care Bill.

  • News

    Dixon warns of 'two-tiers' risk in latest operating framework


    The NHS Alliance has warned the operating framework issued in December could lead to a 'two tier' NHS as it exempts foundation trusts from tighter quality standards expected of other hospital trusts.

  • Comment

    Sophia Christie on managing cultures in the health service


    Naturally an optimist, I always like to start the new year reflecting on emerging opportunities. Primary care trusts had a lot to get excited about in the last few months of 2007 with the development and launch of world class commissioning. The experience has been reminiscent of the publication last ...

  • News

    Battle of the sexes: the mixed ward row that won't lie down


    Early Labour promises to abolish mixed-sex wards have turned into vague aspirations, while the definition of single-sex accommodation appears to have changed. Is the government cheating or is it right to leave the decision to trusts, asks Charlotte Santry

  • HSJ Knowledge

    60 years of eating and smoking


    It was in the 'ninth year of austerity' - with the end of full rationing still six years away - that the NHS came into existence on 5 July 1948. The chief medical officer, reporting on the state of the public's health, declared the NHS had begun 'its colossal task' ...

  • News

    Health and Social Care Bill under fire over safety


    Regulators have issued a grave warning to the government that proposed reforms will 'fatally weaken' their independence and pose a significant risk to patient safety.

  • News

    Cost-benefit thresholds are outdated, says MPs' report


    The health select committee has recommended sweeping changes to the way the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence assesses what drugs and treatments should be available on the NHS.

  • Comment

    Preventive care rhetoric could become reality


    Gordon Brown's keynote health speech was not just a crucial moment in the bid to relaunch his premiership (for more details, click here). As the NHS heads towards its 60th anniversary, his government's ability to deliver these reforms will have a profound impact on the service's long-term future.

  • News

    Brown talks to HSJ about his preventive healthcare vision


    Foundation trusts are to provide primary care services, recruit more members and take over failing trusts under the prime minister’s vision for the future of the NHS.

  • News

    HSJ's interview with Brown in full


    Transcript of HSJ's interview with prime minister Gordon BrownHSJ: When you talk about the preventive vision that you've outlined today, what action should health service managers take on that from now?GB: Well, it's going to be locally delivered more than nationally prescribed so managers themselves will be directly involved in ...