All Policy articles – Page 249

  • News

    government's infection control strategy


    Hospitals have been told to recruit up to five extra specialist staff as part of a government strategy to improve infection control. The government wants up to£45million to be invested on the scheme, out of a£270million fund identified in the comprehensive spending review for reducing healthcare-acquired infections. But trusts are ...

  • News

    NICE must reform say MPs


    The health select committee has recommended sweeping changes to the way the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence assesses what drugs and treatments should be available on the NHS.In their report published today the committee says that NICE’s cost threshold of£30,000 per quality life year gained, which it uses ...

  • News

    Brown calls for 'deeper and wider' NHS reform


    Gordon Brown has promised greater personal and preventive healthcare as part of his vision for the NHS.In his first major speech on health since becoming prime minister, Mr Brown told an audience of health professionals in London that if the NHS is to meet the needs of the 21st century, ...

  • News

    National screening plan unveiled


    Prime minister Gordon Brown was this morning due to announce a national health screening programme to check for early signs of heart disease, stroke and kidney disease.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    National IT programme: stepping into the unknown


    Chief deployment officer at Connecting for Health Claire Mitchell talks to Stuart Shepherd about risk taking and realism in her role

  • HSJ Knowledge

    We survey managers on the past, present and future of the NHS


    Over 1,600 managers gave HSJ their views on the past, present and future of the NHS. The results reveal that, while most plan to stay in the service until they retire, 80 per cent think the NHS will not remain free at the point of demand

  • Comment

    Neil Goodwin on developing NHS leaders


    The new leadership framework provides a coherent national approach to senior managerial development across the English NHS.

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    Gerry Robinson was never about saving the NHS


    Sir Gerry Robinson's latest programme confirms that he is not and never was about 'saving the NHS', argues Paul Knutson

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    Calls for clarity on GP contracts


    I read with some interest your article about the government's proposals to consult on extending GP opening hours, particularly as there are no minimum opening hours - or more crucially - consultation hours in general medical services or most personal medical services contracts, writes Jonathan Weaver

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Campaign for NHS anniversary bank holiday


    In the NHS's 60th anniversary year, prime minister Gordon Brown should announce a public holiday to celebrate the service - something every Briton uses and needs, writes Rachael Jolley

  • News

    Confed welcomes end to top-down targets


    The NHS Confederation has welcomed David Cameron's promise to reduce top-down targets if he becomes prime minister.

  • News

    Conservatives bid to become 'party of the NHS'


    David Cameron has pledged to oust Labour from its traditional position as 'the party of the NHS'.

  • News

    Brown promises to support NHS staff


    The prime minister has promised the government's priority for 2008 will be to support NHS staff in tackling infection and improving access to services.

  • News

    NHS 'split' across UK, says Confed


    The NHS is providing different services in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, the NHS Confederation has warned.

  • News

    Government ignored warnings over medical training reforms


    The government sidelined two top medical advisers to rush through the doomed online recruitment system for junior doctors, MPs were told last week.

  • Comment

    Operating framework's localist spin unravels


    Will NHS chief executive David Nicholson be eating words as well as turkey this Christmas?

  • News

    Scotland's pledge on opening hours faces GP resistance


    The Scottish government has set itself on a collision course with GPs by promising extended practice opening hours as part of a package to improve access to primary care.

  • News

    Move to stop NHS re-hiring sacked executives


    Glowing references for sacked senior managers could be banned in a government clampdown on embarrassing pay-offs.

  • News

    EU plans for health tourism


    Primary care trusts may be able to save money on non-urgent procedures by encouraging patients to go abroad, under EU plans to create a Europe-wide free market in health services.

  • News

    Connecting for Health will be leaderless for months


    The Department of Health will not appoint a new chief for NHS Connecting for Health until spring 2008 at the earliest.