All Policy articles – Page 250

  • News

    Trusts told to gather data on clinical outcomes


    Trusts will be expected to collect information on the success of treatments in a move that could pave the way for more public information about individual clinicians' performance.

  • News

    Operating framework reasserts DoH's central control


    NHS chief executive David Nicholson's exhortation to look out to communities, not up to the DoH at Richmond House, is starting to look like lip service, given the new operating framework's raft of extended targets, writes Sally Gainsbury

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    NHS Shared Business Services not obligatory


    NHS organisations will be given incentives but not forced to use NHS Shared Business Services for back-office administration, according to Department of Health finance deputy director Peter Coates.

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    DoH faces long bureaucracy battle


    The Department of Health has a long way to go to meet its commitment to cut the administrative burden on regulation of NHS services by 2010, the NHS Confederation has warned.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    HSJ review of the year: jobless doctors, lethal bugs and a £1.8bn pile of unspent cash


    A year with more than its fair share of drama saw medics on the streets, C difficile in the wards, Blair and Hewitt on the way out - and an embarrassing surplus in the bank. By Richard Vize

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    DoH responds to social care ethics review


    The Department of Health has published a response to the recommendations of the Planning Group on Ethics Review in Social Care Research.

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    Lib Dem leader calls for 'bonfire' of NHS targets


    Newly elected Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg outlined his vision for the NHS in a recent blog entry. He said he would devolve control of the NHS to locally elected representatives and have a 'bonfire of central targets'.

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    EU health tourism plans delayed


    A controversial European Commission directive that was set to open the way for EU patients to travel abroad for treatments at the expense of their home countries has been delayed.

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    3rd sector


    More voluntary organisations would work alongside the NHS as 'strategic partners' under government plans to modernise the health service's investment in the third sector. The Department of Health has launched a consultation in a bid to create a fairer and more streamlined funding system.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Ken Jarrold on improving the NHS through story telling


    We live in an increasingly diverse and secular society yet the Christmas story remains a powerful force presented in Nativity plays, cards, music and above-average church attendances. It is a reminder of the power of story telling.

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    Scotland sets out NHS workforce plan


    The Scottish government has published its NHS workforce plan for 2008-09, which includes the training numbers for doctors and nurses.

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    Welfare overhaul could put mental health at risk, says charity


    Mental health charity Mind has voiced concerns that people with mental health problems will be forced back to work under the government's strategy to overhaul the welfare system over the next four years.

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    Nicholson's operating framework gets mixed review


    Managers have given this year's NHS operating framework a mixed response, welcoming its emphasis on improved commissioning, while expressing concern that the national priorities are too prescriptive.

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    Government stockpiles pandemic flu antivirals


    The government is planning to double its stockpile of antivirals to cover at least half the population in the event of a flu pandemic, health minister Dawn Primarolo revealed in her answer to a parliamentary question.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Survey of readers on the NHS's past, present and future


    The fact that the NHS exists is its greatest strength, according to a survey of over 1500 NHS managers. When surveyed about the NHS's past, present and future, a third said its very existence is its greatest asset, closely followed by the fact that care is free at the point ...

  • News



    The British Medical Association and the British Dental Association have written to the Chancellor of the Exchequer saying changes to capital gains tax could jeopardise the retirement plans of thousands of members. They are concerned that the abolition of taper relief from April 2008 will mean GPs and dentists will ...

  • Comment

    Sir Liam's patient safety spotlight shines on PCTs


    Chief medical officer Sir Liam Donaldson is pushing primary care trusts to put his crusade on patient safety at the centre of their work (for more details, click here).

  • Comment

    Private sector sceptics take on foundation freedom-fighters


    The deal the government carved out with Labour backbenchers to get the foundation trust legislation through Parliament has precipitated a battle between the trusts and Unison over the limits of their freedoms (for more background, click here).

  • News

    Health inequalities focus for new national strategy


    Reducing health inequalities, cutting healthcare-acquired infections and planning for emergencies will be among the priorities for the health service in 2008.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Managing patients' expectations of the NHS


    Media storms over postcode lotteries reveal the extraordinarily high standards demanded by the public. Jessica Allen argues that reform of PCTs is the best way to steer expectations and drive up service quality