All Policy articles – Page 251

  • News

    Race law warning from DoH


    The NHS's most senior equality official has warned that the Department of Health could stop working with organisations that do not fulfil their obligations under race equality legislation.

  • News

    Junior doctor training regime sparks locum crisis


    Hospitals say they have been hit by a 'frightening' shortage of locum staff because of changes to junior doctors' training.

  • News

    Cancer strategy: earlier, faster, shorter - and more data


    Last week the government promised a further £370m to reform cancer, with a focus on prevention and shorter hospital stays. But selective fast-tracking plans have drawn criticism. Claire Laurent reports

  • News

    Foundation trusts are breaking law on private income, says union


    Foundation trusts seeking to maximise income from private patients have been dealt a blow this week by legal actions involving their regulator Monitor and the Charity Commission.

  • News

    Medics were 'hoodwinked' into accepting MMC


    Doctors have accused the government of 'hoodwinking' them into accepting controversial changes to medical training. The Department of Health ignored the profession's objections to Modernising Medical Careers, the Commons health select committee was told last Thursday.

  • News

    Scotland mulls direct elections to NHS boards


    The Scottish government will consider proposals for direct elections to NHS boards under a new strategy for health and well-being launched yesterday.

  • News

    Doctors highlight postcode lottery for palliative care


    Terminally ill patients' access to palliative care services is 'inadequate and inequitable', according to a report published today by the Royal College of Physicians.

  • News

    DoH is tackling bureaucracy, progress report claims


    The Department of Health has published a progress report on efforts to reduce the burden of regulation on NHS and social care services.

  • News

    Health policy lags behind NHS priorities, says report


    Health policy is 'tackling yesterday's problems' and failing to keep up with key priorities such as improving treatment for people with long-term conditions, says a report published today.

  • News

    Scotland aims to improve dementia diagnosis


    Targets for early diagnosis of dementia, guidance on supporting people with substance misuse and mental health problems, and a mental health collaborative to drive change around targets have been announced in Scotland.

  • News

    NHS money to go on social care


    People receiving social care are to be given control of their own budgets. NHS money will be allocated to councils to spend on social care services to keep people out of hospital.The programme, Putting People First, was set up with the support of six government departments and health and social ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Secure care: improving life in locked wards


    The latest specifications for housing patients in medium secure care clarify the rules and include welcome proposals to improve life in locked wards. Rebecca Norris reports

  • News

    GP abortion trials begin


    Trials have begun to test whether early abortions could be carried out safely in GP surgeries in England.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    First wave ISTCs: what do we know?


    Four years after the first wave of independent sector treatment centres, the Department of Health has provided data on their performance. Unfortunately, this is almost useless in answering questions about their impact on waiting times.

  • Comment

    Simon Stevens on the science of incentives


    During the coffee break at a seminar I once attended, I let slip that I thought two of my fellow panellists seemed 'quite switched on'. 'Yes,' a delegate replied, 'they've both got a Nobel Prize'. Umm, amazing powers of insight, Stevens.

  • News

    Figures underpinning Darzi's London review 'dodgy'


    Questions have been raised over the 1.4bn annual savings identified in junior health minister Lord Darzi’s blueprint for healthcare in London.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Personalised healthcare: put the customer in control


    Evidence demonstrates that customising services is effective - patient outcomes are improved and the provider gets better value for money. Angela Coulter and Don Redding argue for a personal health service

  • News

    Home care push for cancer patients


    Cancer patients will spend less time in hospital and more will be treated at home or by community services under a five-year vision to improve cancer care.

  • Comment

    Media Watch: cancer strategy


    The furore over party funding squeezed most health coverage out last week, but it made a return to the headlines as the government briefed newspapers on its new cancer strategy.

  • News

    Stroke victims will get immediate brain scan


    Stroke victims will get a brain scan within an hour under a new 10-year government strategy to improve survival rates.