All Policy articles – Page 252

  • News

    Plunging waiting times reopen dispute over clinical benefits


    The government's focus on cutting waiting lists can lead to resources being drained away from treatments for those in the greatest medical need, academics have claimed.This week the Healthcare Commission praised NHS organisations for 'genuinely dramatic' improvements in waiting times. But research from the Royal Society of Ophthalmologists has found ...

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    Mental health advocacy services delayed six months


    Advocacy services for mental health patients subject to community treatment orders are not expected to be introduced until six months after the orders are brought in.

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    Learning disabilities consultation launched


    A consultation on learning disability policy has been launched by the Department of Health.

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    Stroke strategy calls for quicker MRIs


    The government today announced its 10-year strategy for stroke services.The £105m package includes plans to spend £12m on a public awareness campaign.

  • Comment

    Building sustainability in the NHS estate


    Lorraine Brayford argues that sustainability should be a priority in healthcare design and recognises those already working to deliver sustainable healthcare buildings for the future

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Transforming lives with psychological therapies


    A Department of Health programme that is making evidence-based psychological therapies more widely available than ever before means thousands of people and their families are having their lives transformed. Evidence shows the programme can reduce GP consultations and acute care activity, alleviating pressure when the NHS is working hard to ...

  • News

    Healthcare Commission slams learning disabilities care


    Services for people with learning disabilities provide poor care, with safety and quality not up to modern standards in even the best services, according to a report by the Healthcare Commission.The report says that although staff were committed to services, service users were often deprived of their human rights and ...

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    Cancer strategy stresses prevention


    Plans for reform of cancer services were due to be published this morning. An emphasis on cancer prevention and providing more long-term support for people with cancer was expected to be outlined in the strategy.

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    Underage alcohol abuse criticised


    The Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats have rounded on the government to take action over rising levels of drinking among young people.Parliamentary figures revealed that 1,441 children under 14 were treated in hospital for conditions caused by alcohol abuse.

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    Drop in mental health inpatient deaths


    The number of inpatients dying in NHS mental health accommodation has dropped by a fifth.

  • News

    English waiting times fall, government figures show


    The number of English inpatients waiting more than 20 weeks for treatment dropped by 11 per cent last month.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS continuing healthcare - is your trust compliant?


    Is your trust compliant with the national continuing care framework? If your answer is 'what framework?' then read on - this could be your wake-up call. Hilary Finegan explains

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    Jon Restell on unravelling the pay-off era


    The NHS is more anxious to stop problems coming to light than solving them. Good, bad, indifferent - the system does not care about judging your actual performance

  • News

    Data protection: fresh security fears as information escapes


    While the public absorbs news of a breathtaking government failure to safeguard personal details, moves to centralise data on NHS patients continue apace. Daloni Carlisle asks what the health service can learn from the Revenue and Customs debacle

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Mental health: no-one wins in homicide blame game


    Often inspired by media hysteria, inquiries into homicides by mentally ill people cost the NHS millions each year and produce little real change, says Christine Vize

  • News

    PCTs urged to put local patients before politicians


    Primary care providers must not 'blow' their chance to strengthen local decision making, says the Department of Health's director general for commissioning and system management.

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    Close pay gap between acute and PCT chiefs, say managers


    The chief executive of Managers in Partnership has called on the government to explain why primary care trust managers are paid less than their acute trust peers.

  • News

    Quality of 100 new GP practices comes into question


    The 100 new GP practices to be built in under-doctored areas will be badly funded and poorly staffed, the British Medical Association has warned.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    A guide to world class commissioning


    The Department of Health's 'world class' masterplan aims to create a commissioning system other nations will envy. Daloni Carlisle examines the progress of an initiative that has re-energised PCTs and created huge expectations

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    David Peat on turning health policy into action


    One of the eternal dilemmas for a chief executive is to translate the words of policy documents into meaningful action on the front line