All Policy articles – Page 259

  • News

    DoH publishes long-awaited review plan


    The Department of Health has published its overdue plans to provide a better service following a damning government review.

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    Lib Dems: time to scrap PCTs


    Primary care trusts should be scrapped and replaced with elected local health boards, the Liberal Democrats have proposed.

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    Private sector 'jaded' over contracts


    The private sector is growing increasingly concerned that the government will row back on its plans to use independent healthcare providers to expand its NHS choice programme.

  • Leader

    Time to come clean on the private sector


    ‘The role of independent providers under Gordon Brown is one of the most opaque areas of health policy’

  • News

    Primary care inequalities to be Johnson's top focus


    Health secretary Alan Johnson has pledged to put primary care at the centre of the government drive to improve the UK's health.

  • Comment

    Old-style GPs may go the same way as Britain's motor industry


    ‘Dr Buckman is in danger of doing for primary care what Derek ‘Red Robbo’ Robinson did for the British motor industry in the 1970s’

  • News

    Call for comparable data across care services


    All health and social care providers must publish comparable data and information, Healthcare Commission chief executive Anna Walker has said.

  • Comment

    Michael White on politics


    The old saying that 'it never rains but it pours' seems unusually apt this soggy summer. But this week the saying also applied to Britain's elderly people when the High Court ruling on Aricept, the Alzheimer's drug, was accompanied by a torrent of reports highlighting deficient aspects of their treatment.One ...

  • Comment

    Your Humble Servant: do as I say


    To: Don Wise, chief executiveFrom: Paul Servant, assistant chief executiveRe: Do as I say not as I doDear DonI gather your fact-finding summer visit to South Africa with Mrs Wise and the children went well. Your thoughts on ambulance response times on safari have given our colleagues down there much ...

  • News

    Human rights let down by existing law


    Human rights should be enshrined in health service delivery, according to a report calling for new duties to protect the rights of older people in hospitals and care homes.A joint committee on human rights report this week said existing legislation does not sufficiently protect and promote the rights of older ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    David Lee on encouraging honesty


    Once again, it is the time of year when a young manager's thoughts turn to the staff survey. The NHS staff survey is the largest of its kind in the world, and annual familiarity can breed contempt. But the results have a way of impacting on organisations' parts that even ...

  • News

    DoH to push choice policy using payment by results


    The government has announced it will begin using payment by results to drive choice.

  • News

    EU cancer case


    The European Commission has been asked to investigate whether a primary care trust can refuse to pay for drugs that are being funding elsewhere.In a case which, if it succeeds, would set a precedent for local PCT decisions on prescribing, Tory MEP Chris Heaton-Harris is calling on the European Commission ...

  • News

    Deliver dignity calls


    Mental health charities have stepped up calls to scrap mixed-sex wards following a government commitment to treat mental health patients with greater dignity.

  • News

    PCTs to consult on Darzi's London blueprint


    NHS London has asked the capital's primary care trusts to form a joint committee to carry out consultation on junior health minister Lord Darzi's report, A Framework for Action.The joint committee would be responsible for approving the consultation document, considering the impact the proposals would have on health inequalities and ...

  • Comment

    Medic's freedoms will reveal commitment to NHS autonomy


    'The arrival of another world-class surgeon at Richmond House is a significant coup for NHS chief executive David Nicholson'

  • News

    Remove DoH from the NHS, says academic


    The government should consider an 'alternative' comprehensive spending review which proposes new models of funding for the health service, according to a report published later this month.

  • News

    nib 4


    A report published this week by the Department of Health shows that the number of children achieving their five a day intake of fruit and vegetables has increased by 13 per cent in two years. Figures show that the number of children achieving 5 a day has increased from 27 ...

  • News



    Patients should be a given a personal budget to pay for their healthcare directly, according to a report from the University of Birmingham’s Health Services Management Centre.The paper suggests personalised budgets would empower NHS patients to take control of their care, similar to direct payments for social care. Our ...

  • News

    2,000 in move to own homes


    Nearly 2,000 people with learning disabilities are to be moved into their own homes after the DH announced £175m in funding for primary care trusts to close NHS institutions.