All Policy articles – Page 263

  • News

    Consultation on nurses' pay


    The Royal College of Nursing has launched a consultation with NHS members in England on the government's pay offer for nurses.

  • News

    Dignity campaign extended to mental healthcare


    A campaign launched to help elderly people is to be extended to improve the care of people with mental health problems, care services minister Ivan Lewis has announced.

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    Scotland falling behind on waiting time target


    Scottish health secretary Nicola Sturgeon has said meeting the country's national cancer waiting time target is 'long overdue'.

  • Comment

    An ode to the Daily Mail?


    Michael White's 800-word bansturbation (opinion, page 10, 26 July) to the thought of stricter discipline and control of drugs, drinking, gambling and advertising included a stout defence of the Daily Mail. Will HSJ soon have a Daily Mail editor as its political columnist?Rory Meakin is patient safety co-ordinator at Camden ...