All Policy articles – Page 6
Expert Briefing
Following the Money: Deficit plans should not be a ‘comfort zone’ for trusts
HSJ’s expert briefing on NHS finances, savings and efforts to get back in the black. By finance correspondent Henry Anderson.
Long waiters increase raises fresh questions over key NHSE target
The number of 65-week elective waits has increased for consecutive months with the figure rising by more than ten per cent to around 56,000 in May, NHS England’s latest statistics show.
Former minister joins Streeting’s team
Two new health and social care ministers, who previously held roles in the shadow team, have been announced by the new government.
HSJ Local
Troubled ICS diverting 400 electives each week under new model
One of England’s most challenged systems is diverting around 400 patients a week, mostly long waiters, away from its largest trust towards private hospitals and neighbouring NHS providers, after setting up a new “coordination centre”.
Regulating managers will not fix the NHS's honesty problem on its own
Amidst growing concerns over the silencing of whistleblowers, the Labour Party manifesto has pledged to introduce the “regulation” of NHS managers. But can punitive measures alone ensure patient safety and staff support? By David Oliver
The next government’s stark choice: increase funding or see care decline
Anita Charlesworth describes the tough choices the new government will face as it tries to balance its ambitions to improve care with fiscal realities.
CQC chief executive announces sudden departure
The chief executive of the Care Quality Commission has today told staff he will be leaving his role at the end of the week.
Expert Briefing
Labour would shackle the service to a target NHSE wanted to ditch
After Wes Streeting committed a Labour government to hitting the four-hour A&E target within a first term in office, the key question NHS leaders will want answering is “how?”, writes James Illman in this week’s Recovery Watch.
Streeting commits to hit four-hour target in first term
Wes Streeting has reiterated Labour’s commitment to hitting all the NHS’s headline performance standards in its first term, including the four-hour A&E target, if it wins power.
Changes to the NHS constitution should not be debated in secrecy
Jacob Lant, CEO of National Voices, argues that the consultation process on changing the NHS constitution needs to be made more inclusive and accessible
Progress on 65-week cases stalls as waiting list rises
The number of 65-week waiters has risen back up to more than 50,000, halting six consecutive months when the cohort was falling, NHS England’s monthly data shows.
Why the NHS should start its year on 1 October
Andi Orlowski makes the case for starting the NHS financial year from 1 October to lessen winter pains and improve joint working
NHSE imposes new financial regime in bid to make plans acceptable
NHS England has issued new incentives for health systems to agree to a surplus financial plan this year, alongside penalties for those that set deficit plans.
HSJ Local
Trusts red-listed because of failure to connect to ‘critical’ safety system
Some of the country’s largest trusts could be left without an automated safety incident reporting system when NHS England removes the existing solution next month, HSJ has learned.
Taking time to stop thinking about problems
Why is Sir Trevor Longstay keen to hold an all-day planning meeting? Why is he going out of his way to flatter the regional director? And will the ICB ever finish its stakeholder map? Julian Patterson has the answers
The toxic trans debate higlights the danger of diverging from evidence-based care
The Cass Review of gender identity services for children and young people, published last month, found care was disconnected from the evidence and diverged from usual NHS practice. Although focused on a specialist service, Dr Cass’s findings have implications for the wider NHS, says Victoria Keilthy.
Long-waiters fall by a third despite ‘stubbornly high’ elective list
Trusts cut the number 65-week breaches by 35 per cent between February and March, reducing the long waiter cohort significantly from around 75,000 to around 49,000, according to NHS England’s monthly data.
Exclusive: Ministers trigger review of CQC inspection regime
The government is launching a review of the Care Quality Commission and has appointed a senior NHS figure to lead it, HSJ understands.
Joint ICB/trust committee given binding powers to improve system’s care quality
An integrated care system has agreed to establish a unique body comprising both commissioners and providers, which will be empowered to make binding decisions affecting the entire health economy.
Radical rule changes would boost NHS recovery, say chiefs
The vast majority of ICB chiefs believe “drastically reducing data sharing restrictions” would help them achieve their aims, according to HSJ’s survey.