All Policy articles – Page 64

  • purse

    Jeremy Hunt hints at lobbying for end to pay restraint


    The welfare and support of staff is the “number one priority” for the NHS, the health secretary Jeremy Hunt said today, hinting he could lobby for an end to pay restraint.

  • simon stevens confed 1

    Simon Stevens names the first 'accountable care systems'


    Simon Stevens announces first eight accountable care systems Potential for £450m tranformation funding in exchange for them taking on “accountability” for population health Simon Stevens has announced the first eight “accountable care systems”, saying they will be given control of up to £450m in transformation funding.

  • EU flag

    Former DH chief to lead alliance to stand up for NHS in Brexit talks


    Former DH permanent secretary Sir Hugh Taylor to co-chair Brexit Health Alliance with NHS Confederation chief executive Niall Dickson Alliance will aim to safeguard NHS interests as the UK government negotiates Brexit Calls for the government to make commitments on research and funding An alliance of healthcare industry, ...

  • Keith conradi 3x2

    Exclusive: HSIB chief will challenge regulators on patient safety


    Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch chief investigator says he will challenge regulators Keith Conradi says NHS has been “defensive” and incident investigations seen as a “bolt on” HSIB “will go where the evidence leads” The Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch will focus its efforts on challenging system regulators and policymakers ...

  • nurse discussion

    Exclusive: 'Crash' in EU nurses working in UK since Brexit referendum


    New data shows “crash” in the number of EU nurses registering to work in UK Professor Jim Buchan warns the situation is the worst for 20 years Fall in recruitment of nursing staff after Brexit could exacerbate existing workforce shortage There has been a “crash” in the number ...

  • Houses of Parliament

    HSJ Live 09.06.17: Theresa May to form government, plus reaction to the election result


    Reaction to the general election results and what they mean for the NHS

  • push button technology switch innovation choice

    Digital plans slipping as maturity assessment delayed


    Delays to digital maturity index update and funding allocations prompt concerns New digital assessment could include “peer review” element Funding uncertainty is stalling local projects, senior sources tell HSJ Delays to the updating of NHS England’s flagship digital maturity benchmark, uncertainty about funding and stalling local projects ...

  • Simon stevens at committee 18 october

    Ashworth: Labour backs Simon Stevens but new body will review STPs


    Labour shadow health secretary Jon Ashworth has pledged support for NHS England chief executive Simon Stevens, but said the role of reviewing sustainability and transformation plans would be handed to a reformed NHS Improvement.

  • Jon Ashworth

    Labour admits waiting list pledge uncosted but is confident of delivering promises


    Labour shadow health secretary says party will deliver plans with £37bn funding for NHS over five years Jon Ashworth says Labour has not worked out specific cost of taking 1 million people off NHS waiting lists by 2022 Labour government would set up “NHS Office of Sustainability” Labour’s ...

  • pharmacy

    Labour confirm they will not repeal full 2012 Health Act


    Labour will not roll back the entire Health and Social Care Act if it forms the next government, the shadow health secretary has told HSJ.

  • A woman with tape over her mouth

    Trusts asked to help shape whistleblower support scheme


    NHS Improvement appeals for trusts to help design pilot scheme Project follows recommendation by Sir Robert Francis QC Freedom to Speak Up Report highlighted how whistleblowers lost careers A new initiative to help whistleblowers return to work in the NHS is being developed and piloted by NHS Improvement.

  • Shaun lintern expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Lintern's Risk Register: A reckoning is due


    Contact me in confidence here. Everything you need to stay up to date on patient safety and workforce, plus my take on the most important under-the-radar stories. From patient safety correspondent Shaun Lintern

  • Beverley Bryant

    Exclusive: Top NHS director quits to join private firm


    NHS Digital board member Beverley Bryant to leave for private sector role Bryant’s exit is second top level NHS Digital departure in five months Bryant to join System C & Graphnet Care Alliance NHS Digital senior director Beverley Bryant is set to leave the organisation for a private ...

  • Generic  drugs

    Second court defeat for NHS England


    NHS England faces judicial review over decision not to fund drug for 7-year-old boy Lawyers will argue NHSE should have considered the boy’s welfare under the Children Act Victory could create a new duty on NHS England when making commissioning decisions affecting children Lawyers have been granted permission ...

  • nurse doctor mask flu

    U-turn over agency staff tax rules


    NHS Improvement says trusts must not take a blanket approach to new IR35 rules Regulator had previously advised all agency staff would be covered by the tax changes New guidance published today advises trusts to review each case and consider representations NHS Improvement has made a significant U-turn ...

  • Nurse and patient

    Analysis: EU nurses leaving NHS up by a third in a year


    Data shows the number of nurses from EU countries who left the NHS increased by 38 per cent in the year to December 2016 The figures come as the NHS faces a nursing workforce shortage that could be exacerbated by Brexit RCN and Cavendish Coalition call for special recognition ...

  • hospital_bed_ward_patient.jpg

    Unprecedented winter bed pressure revealed in new stats


    Bed occupancy hits record high, as overall bed numbers across NHS continue to decline Royal College of Surgeons says data is “exceptionally worrying” Acute bed numbers have however risen slightly overall on last year Acute bed occupancy hit a record high in the final quarter of 2016-17, while ...

  • Jeremy Hunt

    HSJ Live 18.05.2017: Conservatives launch manifesto with NHS funding pledge


    Jeremy Hunt: We will introduce new health legislation if necessary Tories promise extra NHS cash for 2018-19 EU health staff ’to be prioritised’ in Brexit talks Dilnot proposal scrapped as Conservatives unveil social care reforms Plans announced to extend CQC’s regulatory scope to local authorities’ health services ...

  • Election logo

    Labour softens stance on STPs in its final election manifesto


    Labour official manifesto softens party stance on sustainability and transformation plans The party now plans to halt and review the STPs instead of simply halting them as set out in the leaked manifesto which was published last week The new manifesto, published today, also sets out the Labour Party’s ...

  • Lawrence dunhill expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Following the Money: Avoiding private providers


    HSJ’s email briefing on NHS finances, savings and efforts to get the health service back in the black.