All Policy articles – Page 67

  • Hospital_bed

    Simon Stevens warned again after second bed shortage death


    Second warning from coroner to NHS England chief following neurosurgery delays as a result of ICU bed shortage Teresa Dennett was denied an immediate transfer to Nottingham University Hospitals Trust Doctors told the coroner policies to admit patients regardless of bed capacity were “aspirational” NHS England chief executive ...

  • Simon stevens at committee 18 october

    Exclusive: Stevens warned over bed shortage risk after woman's death


    Coroner warned NHS England chief executive of risks, following death of woman who could not get intensive care bed Mary Muldowney died after three hospitals refused to accept her due to a lack of beds Coroner said action was needed to prevent future deaths NHS England chief executive ...

  • Lord Carter2

    Stop using expensive management consultants, NHS told


    Lord Carter questions the NHS’s £640m spending on management consultancies Likened policymakers to a “dog watching television” Warns the Treasury will not provide extra funding without evidence of performance Lord Carter has questioned why the NHS spent £640m on external management consultancies, describing the use of the firms ...

  • Busy hospital

    STP and forward view plans 'unrealistic', Francis warns


    The NHS is facing an “existential crisis” and measures in the Five Year Forward View and sustainability and transformation plans are “unrealistic”, Sir Robert Francis QC has said.

  • Robert Francis QC

    Francis: Top-down pressure on NHS chiefs 'depressingly familiar'


    Mid Staffordshire inquiry chair warns of “increasing disconnect between staff and leaders” Sir Robert Francis describes “depressingly familiar” pressure on NHS chief executives Service “manifestly failing” to keep up with demand, he says Sir Robert warns of “existential crisis” facing the NHS amid financial challenges Sir Robert Francis ...

  • Stack of reports

    Francis outlines unfinished business four years after inquiry


    More still needs to be done to identify systemic causes of poor care and move away from blaming individual NHS leaders, Sir Robert Francis QC has told HSJ.

  • Bgy950

    Integration of health and social care – working and not working?


    Integration is looking less and less like a panacea and more of a long term vision

  • Surgery

    CCGs claim rationing decision based on Right Care programme


    NHS England official advised CCGs prior to controversial rationing decision Three Worcestershire CCGs used NHS Right Care programme to identify opportunities to reduce spending on hip and knee replacement operations Right Care data should not be used to determine target for “right” number of medical procedures, says royal college ...

  • Lawrence dunhill expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Following the Money: Bad news warning


    HSJ’s weekly email briefing on NHS finances, savings and efforts to get the health service back in the black

  • signature CB059558 Corbis1

    Negligence fee cap could deny families representation, DH admits


    DH impact assessment says lawyers may be “less willing” to take on expensive cases Independent review warns of impact on patient safety if less negligence is identified QC warns changes could leave families without representation at inquests Some families might be denied legal representation for clinical negligence claims ...

  • Workforce

    New taskforce to 'challenge' weak STP proposals


    Joint NHS taskforce set up to challenge weak STP workforce plans NHS Improvement nursing director says staffing is the “weakest” element of the STPs Ruth May warns of divergence between operational plans and STP forecasts A new taskforce will challenge weak workforce proposals in sustainability and transformation plans, ...

  • Nigel Keohane

    Why the government should introduce a healthcare spending target


    Given the pressures on health spending, there exists the dilemma of setting social care spending on a more sustainable trajectory for the longer term

  • hands
    HSJ Local

    Teaching trust failing to comply with end of life court ruling


    Cambridge University Hospitals Foundation Trust issued with requirement notices by the CQC Half of “do not attempt resuscitation” orders seen by inspectors were incorrectly completed by staff Court of Appeal ruling in 2014 created a new legal right for patients to be consulted over DNAR decisions One of ...

  • Mark lloyd new site

    Don't ignore the councillors


    When it comes to decisions around health and social care, there needs to be a bottom-up approach involving local leaders and not top-down pre-determined solutions

  • Lawrence dunhill expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Following the Money: Shifting risk to commissioners, and no more sandwiches


    HSJ’s weekly email briefing on NHS finances, savings and efforts to get the health service back in the black

  • Karin smyth high res

    Karin Smyth: Getting behind the NHS headlines


    Karin Smyth MP reflects on the way ahead following the Commons public accounts committee’s inquiry into the financial sustainability of the NHS

  • Elderly care

    Government seeks areas to 'graduate' from BCF this year


    Several areas will “graduate” from the better care fund to more advanced models of integration Framework being published soon will invite applications Only a handful of areas expected to be chosen to pilot the changes Several areas will “graduate” from the better care fund to more advanced models ...

  • Parliament

    Catch up: NHS England chief faces MPs' questions


    Live coverage of the Commons public accounts committee hearing on NHS finances

  • Houses of Parliament

    DH rules out action to increase A&E funding before 2020


    News follows “early discussions” with senior medics about plans supported by an “emergency care transformation fund” Government source tells HSJ it will not be acting to increase emergency care funding before the next election Royal College of Emergency Medicine says it will be “developing plans over coming months” ...

  • Theresa May

    Prime minister reveals new mental health commitments


    Prime minister Theresa May expected to announce a raft of new mental health policies today New measures include mental health first aid training for secondary schools, review into improving mental health in the workplace and extra £15m for expanding community services Mrs May is speaking at the annual Charity ...